九年级英语导学案 邓佑兰

发布 2022-08-05 23:05:28 阅读 7984

九年级英语导学案(unit 3 )

teenagers should be allowed to choose their own clothes.

一、词组。1.驾照 a driver’s license2.十六岁的孩子 sixteen-year-olds

3.做兼职工作 h**e part-time jobs 4.请某人做某事 get/h**e

5.在那个年龄 at that age6.代替instead of

7.留在家里 stay at home8.熬夜stay up 9.在家 be home

10.打扫某人的屋子 clean up one’s room

11.在上学的日子的晚上 on school nights

12.例如 for example/for instance

13.参加考试/通过考试/考试不及格 take/pass/fail the test

14. 上课早到/迟到 get to school early/late

15.对某人/某事严格be strict with sb./in sth.

16. 设计我们自己的衣服 design our own clothes

17. 注意力集中在….concentrate on.

18. 让某人保持心情愉快keep sb. happy

19.相互学习 learn from each other 20.目前,现在at present/now

21. 在当地医院 at the local hospital

22. 一次很好的经历 a good experience

23. 英英词典 english-english dictionary

24. 至少/最多 at least/at most。

25. 有机会做某事 h**e a/an chance/opportunity to do sth.

26.做出一个…决定 make a/an ….decision

27. 妨碍 get in the way of

28. 一名职业运动员 a professional athlete

29. 实现梦想 achieve one’s dream/make one’s dream come true

30. 没有反对h**e nothing against

31. 既然 now that 32.对…严肃 be serious about

33. 允许某人做某事allow sb. to do sth.

34. 练习做某事practice doing sth.

35. 在….花费时间spend time on….



a. 被动语态见九年级教材 p.143.


be supposed to “应该” what am i supposed to do? 我该怎么做?

it is said that…据说 it is believed that…据信 it is reported that…据报道


习惯用主动形式表示被动意义。(常见的有sell, lock, close, open, wash, write, start, begin, wear, read.) this kind of shirts sell well.

这种衬衫很好卖。the door lock easily.这门很容易锁。

the pen writes well.这笔很好用。

在形容词worth和动词need, want, require等后以动名词的主动形式表被动意义。

the movie is worth watching. 这部电影值得一看。

your hair needs cutting. 你的头发需要理了。

某些系动词如feel(摸上去), smell(闻起来), sound(听起来), taste(尝起来), look

看上去), prove(证明是)等,也习惯以主动形式表示被动意义。

the design proved to be a success.该设计被证明是成功的。

this kind of ***** feels very soft.这种纸摸起来很柔软。


1)allow sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事。

mother allows me to watch tv every night. 妈妈允许我每晚看电视。

2)allow doing sth. 允许做某事。

we don’t allow smoking in public.我们不允许在公共场所吸烟。

3)be allowed to do sth. 被允许做某事(被动语态)

lily is allowed to go to hangzhou. 莉莉被允许去杭州。

sixteen-year-old boy . sixteen-year-old adj.“16岁的”作前置定语。

sixteen-year-olds should not be allowed to drive.“16岁的孩子们/青少年们” 作名词。

+ sth.+ done(过去分词) 使某事被做;请某人做某事。

i h**e/get my car repaired 我让别人修理了我的车汽车。

i can’t get the car started.我无法把小轿车开动起来。

get their ears pierced 穿耳洞。

5. stop doing sth. 停止做某事 stop to do sth. 停下来去做某事

stop sb from doing sth. 阻止某人做某事。can’t stop doing sth. 忍不住做某事

it’s too late. you’d better stop watching tv.

you’re so tired, you should stop to h**e a rest.

trees can stop water from washing away the earth.

when we heard the funny story, we couldn’t stop laughing.

6. 1)agree with sb 与某人意见一致,同意某人(的意见)

2) agree about/on sth 在某事或某方面达成一致的意见。

3)agree to + n. (plan计划,suggestion建议,arrangement安排,proposal提议 )

4)agree to do sth 同意做某事。

7. fail the test = fail in the test 考试不及格,pass the test 考试及格,take the test

fail to do sth 未能做某事 i failed to pass the driving exam. 我未能通过驾照考试。

8. be strict with sb. 对某人严厉/要求严格 be strict in sth.. 对某事要求严格。

our english teacher is very strict with us, and she is also very strict in her work.


9. the other day 前几天 = several days ago/a few days ago

i met zhang yishan the other day。

10. concentrate on… 全神贯注,专心于。

he decided to concentrate on physics because he failed the exam.

11. 有机会做某事 h**e an opportunity to do sth. /h**e a chance to do sth

h**e an opportunity of doing sth / h**e a chance of doing sth.

12. they both look good on me. 它们看上去都适合我。=sb look good in sth.

13.. sleep 1) v. 睡觉 2)n.睡眠 h**e a good sleep好好睡一觉 a sleep of 8 hours 8小时的睡眠。

sleepy adj.困倦的,欲睡的(作定语、表语) he feels sleepy today. adj.

睡眠中的(作定语) the sleeping boy is tom. 这个正在睡觉的孩子叫汤姆。

asleep adj.睡着的(作表语) be quiet. the boy is asleep.请安静。孩子睡着了。

14. 花费 take ,cost, spend , pay

it takes (sb.) some time to do sth. it took (me) 10days to read the book.

sth. cost (sb.) some mony the book cost (me) 100yuan.

sb. spend … on sth. she spent 10days on this book.

sb. spend …doing sth. she spent 10days (in) reading this book.

sb. pay … for sthshe paid 10yuan for this book.

15. take / h**e +时间段+off 请/放(多长时间的)假。


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