
发布 2022-07-31 01:10:28 阅读 7251

【课题】lesson 1 what’s wrong,danny?

学习目标】1. 能够正确理解并熟练记忆本课8个黑体词,掌握9个重点短语;(重点)

2. 能够理解课文并能回答课后问题,并能简单表达关于生病的对话;(难点)

3. 能够在小组活动中完成学习活动,培养学生积极参与的学习热情。


1. why does danny wake up his parents early in the morning?

2. what does danny regret doing?

3. how do they get to the hospital?

4. what does ask danny to do?

**案】众人拾柴火焰高 many hands make light work!

**一:自读课文,完成“let’s do it”2-3题。5分钟后组内核对答案,把存在问题的题目用红色笔标注出来,班内进行质疑补充。

**二:1. regret

及物动词,意为“对…感到后悔(已经做过的事)”,后加名词,代词,动名词作宾语。 regret ****** such a foolish decision.

拓展:regret后也可跟动词不定式。意为“对将要做的事感到后悔、遗憾”。eg:i regret to tell you not to play with jack.


li mingthat chance.

2.--need we go there right now?

--yes ,we must.

need 在此处为情态动词,用于一般疑问句或否定句中。肯定回答用must,否定回答用 。


eg:(1).-need we go to school on sunday?


doctor feels danny’s stomach.

feel的用法:(1)don’t feel my face.

2)danny felt a snake crawling up his leg.

3)i always feel happy on weekends.

注意:feel 意为“感到…”时,为感官动词。其结构为:

feel…do sth

feel…doing sth [,

改错:i felt somebody to look at me just now.



doctor said danny had a f at that moment.

face looks (苍白的)。

got a (疼痛) here.

(胃)has never hurt this much before.

p me ,i make a mistake.


ihim what i thought.

need穿衣)quickly and run to the playground.

发烧),and the doctor asked her


feel upset反义疑问句)

mornig,when you醒来),the first thing you do is to坐起来),then you get dressed and

开始)get ready for school,then you will和…一起)your

classmates and teachers.

训练案】1. 完成练习册第一课习题。

2. 预习lesson 2.



go to the dentist 看牙医

h**e no choice but to do 别无选择只能做。

right away 立刻、马上。

refuse to do sth 拒绝做某事。

h**e a toothache 牙疼。



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