
发布 2022-07-31 01:07:28 阅读 9877



课题lesson30: jane’s lucky life





2.短语:,be able to/unable toenjoy doing sthplay the sb to do sth



doing married

a happy life4.穿上。


2. he cried __a pain in his back.

3. she works __an english teacher and she likes her job.4. smoking is bad __your health.

5. the man learns english __listening to the radio.三。完成下列句子。

became更细心)after that thing.

became一位英语老师)two years 成为朋友)for twenty 不能讲话)at age 3.

不能骑)abike when he was 12**案**1】 +n/ adj

hebecomes a singer when she grows became ill at the age of ten.

he has been a teacher since five years ago【**2】 unable to do = can't/couldn't doshe is unable to put on her shoes.【**3】 sb doing /doshe often watches her son play soccer.

i watch her playing the piano when the door bell rings.【**4】 to sb / be marriedthey married last got married (to) adoctor.

they h**e been married for ten years.【**5】 sb to do

she encourages her daughter to play the piano.6.(be)full of

her life is full of has a life full of problems.[做一做]

1. the disabled girl can’t move herlegs __arms.

a. andb. orc. sod. but2. mary __her husband yesterday.

a. marriedb. marry

c. married withd. marry with3. she plays __piano everyday.

a. ab. anc. /d. the4. i h**e an __grandma.

a. 80 years oldb. 80-years-oldc.

80-year-oldd. 80 year old5. the people __don’t know theirhappiness are really disabled.

a. whichb. whoc. whatd. whose6. the children enjoy __footballafter school.

a. to playb. playc. playedd. playing

拓展提升】h**eyoueverhadp___inyourlifeanddon'tknowh___to be happy?if so,you will find a book w___by a the book,he tells us how to h**e a happy life and a___thequestions of book says we should stop b___angry andalwaysforgive .ittellsussomeu___good"forma


learnf___problems, important l___is you choose to b___happy训练案当堂检测】


1. if you want to stay __健康), please h**e a balanced diet.2.

she is不能) play the piano.3. ann __病倒了)last week.

4. the teacher often鼓励) to study hard in our school.5.

we eat蔬菜) every day, it’s good for us.二、用所给词的适当形式填空。

1. how many __are there in the park? (child)

2. he asked mewould you like a cup oftea?” polite)3.

we h**e never heard such a __piece of music. (wonder)4.—he can't look after __he is too young.

(he)5.—our classroom is bigger thanyou)【课后练习】锁定目标:7

目标评估:i. 10ii. 8iii.5iv.


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