
发布 2022-08-05 12:19:28 阅读 7476

九年级 units 5-6


i 词组。1) belong to 属于。

2) make up 形成;组成;构成。

3) use up 用完;用光;耗尽。

4) turn off 关掉。

5) on display 展览;陈列。

6) suit sb. (fine) (很)合某人的意;对某人(很)合适。

7) to be honest 老实说;说实在的。

8) be bad for 对……有害。

9) stay away from 与……保持距离。

10) be in agreement 意见一致。

ii 句型。

1 it must belong to carla. 它一定属于carla.

同义句:it must

2 it’s crucial that i study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam. 我复习准备这次考试很重要,因为它占期末考试成绩的30%


is crucial because ……

3 there must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 一定有什么东西光顾我们的左邻右舍。

同义句:something mustthe homes in our neighborhood.

提示: there be sth. doing… =sth. be doing ….

例如:there is a boy playing outside. =a boy is playing outside.

4 i listened to one called heart strings. 我听了一首名为《心弦》的歌曲。

called heart strings.过去分词短语做定语。

过去分词短语作定语,可以在前面加上关系代词,分词前加上be, 即可构成含有定语从句的复合句。请尝试把本句改为复合句:

i listened to onecalled heart strings.



1) do you know the boy ( who is) calling tom?

2) do you know the boy (who is) called tom?

5 whatever you do, don’t miss the exhibition. 无论你干什么,都不要错过这次展览。

whatever you doyou do

6 i like groups that wear really cool clothes. 我喜欢穿的很酷的组合。

本句含有定语从句,关系代词that做从句的主语。请思考:为什么wear不加-s ?


1 用情态动词must, may , might, could, can’t填空。

1) the dictionary __be mine. it has my name on it.

2) the cdbelong to tony because he likes listening to pop music.

3) the hair bandbe bob’s. after all, he is boy!

2 选择正确单词填空。

1) the prisonersto escape, but failed.

2) i h**e anat 3

3) there are extra trains to the seasidethe summer.

4) i’m veryabout my son’s health.

5) there would be __people in thehall.

6) getting this contract isto the future of our company.

7) if you h**e any idea where itbe, please call me.

3 按照要求写句子。

1)albert found the key. i lost the key yesterday.(合成一句)

2) where is the beautiful picture? you bought it last week.(合成一句)

3) she was ill, but she still went on working.(同义句)

___she was ill, she still went on working.

4) i think that it is important to master a foreign language. (同义句)

i thinka foreign language.

5) mother didn’t do the work for her little son, but taught him how to do it. (同义句)

instead offor her little son, she taught him how to do it.

4 完成句子。

1) tom在这场篮球赛中表现出色。

tomin this basketball match.

2) 她喜欢能够一起舞起来的快歌。

she likes music

3) 王叔叔教我们如何修自行车。

uncle wang teaches us

4) 这幢建筑使我想起了我的母校。

this building


this hatmadam!

ii 中考链接。

1 选择。1) i prefer watching tv tomusic every day.

a. listen to b. listen c. listening to d. listening

2) do you know what

a. his f**ourite song is b. is his f**ourite song

c. his f**ourite song d. his most f**ourite song is

3) mary sings english songs well and

a. jane does toob. either does joes

c. so janes doesd. so does jane

4) what do you think of the football match?

a. how do you think of b. how do you like

c. what do you think d. what do you like

5) this question iseasy, all the students can answer it.

a. too much b. too many c. much too d. many too

6) he __would do great thins should not attempt them all alone.

a. whom b. who c. whose d. which

2 句型转换(同义句)。

1) the bench was so long that all of us were able to sit on it.

the bench was long enough __all of us

2) mary spent three thousand yuan on the color tv set.

the color tv setthree thousand yuan.

3) i don’t know either russian or french.

i knowrussianfrench.

4) the mother told her son, “don’t read in the bed.”

the motherher sonread in the bed.

5) they prefer this kind of fruit to that kind.


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