
发布 2020-02-22 05:21:28 阅读 2379

目录:1、 单词拼写。

2、 综合填空。

3、 完形填空。

4、 阅读理解。

5、 任务型阅读。




1. the policeman told that man to give a描述) of the accident.

2. wis the third day of a week.

3. we are often told not to be紧张) in the examinations.

4. the weather in south china is dfrom that in north china.

5. that book is well值得) reading. you’d better read it.



1. 1 couldn't understand why he was sointerest) in the invitation.

2. he did the work verycare). everybody said he had done a good job.

3. i met an old friend ofi) in the summer palace last sunday.

4. many newpotato) will grow from one potato planted in the ground.

5. we hope it will besun) tomorrow, for our picnic.



1. what a hot day! look! maria is s___in the river. 1.

2. it t___me 25 minutes to go to school every day. 2.

3. we should brush out t___twice a day. 3.

4. the yangtze rover is the l___river in china. 4.

5. he is i___in english. he wants to be an english teacher. 5.



is our __三) time to plant trees.

2. i’m not really __饥饿). i’ll just h**e an ice cream.

3. computer is one of the greatest __发明). i can’t imagine life without it.

4. they __同意) us on some matters yesterday afternoon.

5. mr. smith g**e us __一条) advice on how to keep healthy.



1. a cow has six __胃)。

2. she made a __请求) for another chance.

3. betty’s __描写) about this animal is really nice.

4. tom got on the bus __立即) as soon as it arrived.

5. can you __买得起) to buy the house?



1. -why are you in such a __匆忙)?

-because i am going to h**e a meeting in five minutes.

2. jane is my english teacher. she likes wearing __红色的) dresses.

of basketball fans couldn’t stop w**ing __旗帜) to cheer their f**orite players up excitedly.

told me it was her___第二) time to visit jiangxinzhou islet during grape festival.

was glad to h**e a chance to __采访) a few foreigners who attended ―join the fun in jinling yesterday.



1. this question is very容易的). every one of us can answer it.

2. susan looks very cool with太阳眼镜). don’t you think so?

3. mr. jiang has bought a___机器人) to help him in order to h**e more spare time.

4. sis the best season of a year. when it comes, the trees turn green.

5. after putting most of his einto table tennis training, ma lin won the gold medal of men’s singles at the beijing olympic games.

6. the illness can make you feel tired andnot strong).

7. when zhou jielun appeared on the stage, thepeople who like somebody or something very much) of him all stood up and clapped their hands.



1. mary was born in 1994. so she isyears old now.

2. yao ming is one of the most famousplayers in nba.

3. there are twelvein a year.

4. i hope my dream of university will comesoon.

5. no one taught him english. he learnt it by

6. the he**y earthquakein wenchuan on may 12th last year.

7. would you mindthe window? it’s raining outside.

8. it’sfor the teenagers to swim in the river in summer.



1. my friend g**e me a nice手表) for my birthday.

2. i will写)an email to my cousin in canada.

3. nancy is too young to look after她自己).

4.--i passed the last exam yesterday.

-oh, you're really a幸运) dog.

5. many students think that teenagers should be __允许) to choose their own clothes.



1. my daughter likes sleeping with the windows o___to keep the air fresh.

2. please don't wwater. can't you see the sign "s**e water"?

3. my grandfather went to the dentist and had one bad t___pulled out.


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