九年级英语学案 1

发布 2020-02-21 05:33:28 阅读 9776

unit 1 how do you study for a test ? 导学案。

section a (1a---2c)


1 根据音标会拼读单词。

2 谈论怎样为考试而学习。掌握by + 动名词短语的用法。

3 重点句型和短语。熟练运用 how 引导的特殊疑问句。


1 会拼读单词,重点单词的扩展。

2 重点句型,how do you study for a test ? i study by listening to tapes .

how do you learn english ? i learn by studying with a group .

h**e you ever studied with a group ? yes, i h**e. i’ve learned a lot that way.

do you learn english by reading aloud ? yes , i do .

do you ever practice conversations with friends ? oh, yes . it improves my speaking skills.


1 根据汉语翻译下列单词和词组。






2 听录音,完成 1b

3 听录音,完成2a , 2b .

4 根据示范做类似对话练习。

a how do you study for a test ?

b i study by working with a group . how about you ?

a i study by reading the textbook.

a h**e you ever studied with a group ?

b yes, i h**e . i’ve learned a lot that way.



1 study, for , you , a , test , how , do

2 about, what, pal , a finding pen

3too,understand,voices,hard , it’s , to , the


5 improve , you , your, speaking , skills, can, by, reading , aloud , tapes , and ,to, listening根据首字母提示完成单词。

1 i study english by ****** v___lists.

2 tom often reads english aloud to practice p___

3 what about reading a___in the morning ?

4 it improves my speaking s __

5 he studies english by l __to tapes.


1 could you tell me how i can learn english well?(改为简单句)

could you tell meenglish well?

2 he often does shopping at home by using the internet .

he often __shopping at home ?

3 why not read aloud to practice pronunciation ? 该为同义句)

reading aloud to practice pronunciation ?

4 i h**e ever been to shanghai .(改为否定句)

i h**e __been to shanghai .

unit 1 how do you study for a test ? 导学案。

section a (3a___4)


1 学会拼读单词,掌握重点单词的用法。

2 重点句型, ways of learning english , find 的用法。 3 重点词组。


1 熟练掌握单词的拼写和用法。

2 重点词组。

3 主要句型 for example , the best way to learn new words was by reading english magazines.

wei ming feels differently.

he finds watching movies frustrating because the people speak too quickly.

we get excited about something and then end up speaking in chinese .


1 根据汉语翻译单词和词组。

具体的记住语法不同的,有区别的使失望迅速地补充 __更多具体的建议___学习新单词的最佳方法记住流行歌曲的歌词太无聊说话太快加入英语俱乐部提高她的英语水平得到很多练习对。。。感到激动___以用汉语说而告终做一个关于。。。的调查写单词表读英语书看英语语言电视。

2 听录音,阅读3a,完成**。

3 根据3a内容,编写类似对话。

a i’m doing a survey about learning english . can i ask you some questions ?

b sure.

a great . what’s your name ?

b wei ming.

a and how do you learn english ?

b ….4 对话练习。

a do you write vocabulary lists ?

b oh, yes . i do it often .



1 i always had trouble __make ) complete sentences .

2 2 liu chang thoughth**e) conversations with friends was not helpful at all.

3 do you h**e a partnerpractice ) english with ?

4 we were all __frustrate ) at thefrustrate ) news.

5 my son gets __excite ) about tr**eling to hong kong .


1 昨天你们在晚会上玩得开心吗?

did youat the party yesterday ?

2 昨晚我发现窗户是关着的。

___the windows __yesterday evening .

3 他说和朋友们一起进行对话一点帮助也没有.

he said that h**ing conversations with friends __helpful

4 我再做一个关于学习英语的调查.

iabout learning english .

5 他对那个话题感到很兴奋.

hethe topic.

unit 1 how do you study for a test ? 导学案。


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