
发布 2022-07-27 08:55:28 阅读 8663

2. 请同学们说出十二生肖的英文名称。


1.it’s nice of you to bring me the news*****, hobo.

用“it is + 形容词 + of…+ not) to-不定式”来表达对某人行为的看法和观点,常见的形容词有:careful, careless, clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, polite,

selfish, silly, wrong etc.

it’s very nice of you to help me. =you are very nice to help me.

bring用作动词,意为“带来”“取来”或者“带……到某处”,强调从别处拿到说话者处,可以带两个宾语:一个是直接宾语,另一个是间接宾语,即bring sb. sth.

或bring sth. to sb.。如:

don’t forget to bring her some flowers. 不要忘记给她带些花来。

2. it says i’ll h**e lots to eat and drink today.

在当主语是书面材料或者可见的东西时,如letter, notice等,say意为“写道”“显示”。如:

the notice said “keep out”. 告示上写着:“禁止入内”。

3. well, you shouldn’t worry about not h**ing breakfast then.

这里h**ing breakfast是动名词形式,作介词about的宾语。动名词是动词的非谓形式之一,一般是在动词后面加“-ing”而成。在意义上,动作性比较强,但在句子中起名词的作用,四、课堂检测。

felt even饥饿) after the long walk.

you should __带来 ) me your news*****.

doesn’t worry about not h___lunch.

4. kate wants to know her同班同学的) star signs.

notice slook out”.


) h**e a note on the table and __don’t forget to finish your homework.”

said says read

) kind __you to help me look after my grandma.

) classmate tom always has __food to eat every day.

lot lots of of

) is a creature that is half-man, half- horse.

) to __your homework here next time.

) mother is worrying about not __the early bus because she __get up early.

didn’t catch, doesn’t

won’t didn’t

) you like the chicken, you may h**e as __as you can.

) very nice __you to get me two tickets __the world cup.

of for for to


ming is one of the most popular nba players.

me, can you tell me the way to the supermarket?

sure you will h**e a good time.

was your last weekend in harbin?

i’ve finished cleaning my room.






9a unit1 reading (period two/three)


eg: clever, generous, strong, polite, humorous, helpful…




year is divided into 12 different star sings.

be divided into是个被动语态的结构,解释为“划分为、分为”。decide的名词形式为decision。

2. some people believe that people born under the same star sign share similar characteristics.

believe=think…true,用作及物动词时,后面可以接that引导的宾语从句。如:some scientists believe that dinosaurs h**e not disappeared, but they h**e become birds.

believe后面的that从句如果是否定意义,习惯上否定believe,而不否定that从句,即在形式上否定believe,意义上否定that从句。因此,i don’t believe that he will come tomorrow.”要比“i believe that he won’t come tomorrow”更合乎习惯。

类似的动词还有suppose, think和expect等。如:i believe that he is a teacher.

我相信他是位老师。3. you love peace and do not like to argue with others.

argue with sb. (about/over sth. )意为“(就某事)与争论、争吵、争辩”。

如:① my brother are always arguing with me about the house.我兄弟总为房子的事和我争论不休。

②they argued with each other over the money.他们为钱的事相互争吵过。

argument是argue的名词形式,are a powerful person and h**e lots of energy.

powerful作形容词,意为“健壮的”“强壮的”。 有“权势的”“有影响力的”的意思。如:

china is one of the most powerful countries in the world.


powerful一词由名词power加形容词后缀-ful而来,类似的词还有: success→successful help→helpful use→useful

care→careful hope→hopeful colour→colourful

peace→peaceful meaning→meaningful

5. you like to keep secrets. 你能保守秘密。


until 1 hello 第一课时学案。1 学习目标。1 能听懂 会说hello.hi.i m.并能在实际情景中运用。2 通过见面打招呼,自我介绍以及道别等情景,让学生在模仿 学习 表演的基础上逐步达到自然与真实运用的目的,让学生学会见面打招呼 自我介绍及道别的日常用语。2 快乐自学。1.同学们,...


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