九年级unit1 学案7

发布 2022-08-02 20:04:28 阅读 4173

科目:英语教材:九年级年级:高一制作人: 张延华

第 9 周第 7 课时总第 56 课时制作时间: 2015/4/25

班级: _姓名:__学号使用时间分数。

九年级 unit 6 i like music that i can dance to.(七)





king akbar was in the habit of putting riddles and puzzles to his people. he often asked 1 which were strange. his people had to use words in a 2 way to answer these questions.

once he asked a very strange question. he looked at his people. 3 he looked, one by one the heads began to hang low in search of an answer.

it was at this moment that birbal entered the palace. birbal 4 the habit of the king. he understood the 5 at once and asked, "may i know the question so that i can 6 for an answer?

"akbar said, "how many crows (乌鸦)are there in this city?"

7 even a moment's thought, birbal replied "there are fifty thousand five hundred and eighty nine crows, my lord".

how can you be so 8 ?”asked akbar.

birbal said, "make you men 9 , my lord. if you find more crows it means some h**e come to visit their relatives(亲戚) here. if you 10 crows it means some h**e gone to visit their relatives elsewhere".

akbar was pleased very much by birbal's wise answer.

1. a. questions b. helpc. promise d. advice

2. a. common b. friendly c. clever d. silent

3. a. though b. because c. ifd. as

4. a. knew b. developed c. hated d. doubted

5. a. order b. information c. danger d. situation

waitc. tryd. reach

7. a. before b. without c. through d. in

8. a. smart b. br**ec. fanny d sure

9 a. catch b. discuss c. count d. visit

10. a. fewer b. largerc. faster d. older

当堂训练: 短文改错:(时间:15分钟,分值:15分)


mike lived in a small town. today he’s very happy(高兴). it is first day of a new school term.

mike wants to go back to school soon. he wants to see friends. he is going to meet his new teachers.

he wants to make friend with them. mike gets up early in the morning .he puts up his new clothes.

look! he is h**e breakfast with his sister. now he is ready(准备好)for school.

he goes to school by bike. he meets his friends outside of the school’s gate. they are talking about something.

then the bell rings(铃响了). everyone runs to his and her classroom. every student will try to study good in the new term.


每日寄语:it takes a great man to be a good listener.


完形填空:1---5 acdad 6---10 cbdca



2.first前加the, 序数词往往和定冠词the连用。


4.friend→friends. 交朋友应说make friends with sb.

5.up→on. 穿衣服应说put on





10.good→well. 副词well修饰动词study, 而good是形容词。


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