外研社九年级1 学案

发布 2022-08-08 22:33:28 阅读 7233

module 1

unit 1 what is wonder of the world?

词组:news to me我一点都不知道。

up听着。interview with becky wang采访贝基。王。

school magazine called new standard 名叫《新标准》的校刊。

a diary of school events记录学校事件。

down the ideas写下一些想法。

some reviews about做关于 ……的评论。

an review with对…… 进行采访。


10. the ancient pyramids in egypt埃及古老金字塔。


wonderful 精彩色。

won –win 赢了+( sth. )


happen to sb. 某人发生什么事了what happened to tim last night?

take place 发生。

3. news n. 消息不可数名

no news is good news. 没有消息就是好消息。( 谚语 )

a piece of news一条消息。

the latest news最新消息。

watch the news on tv 在电视上看新闻。

the he**y news噩耗。

听 listen up . 后什么也不跟。

listen to + 宾语 .listen to music

club 名词作定语舞蹈俱乐部。

the school magazine校刊。

the school concert学校**会。

school uniform校服。

swimming club游泳俱乐部。

swimming lesson游泳课。

h**e a piano lesson 上钢琴课。

take math lesson上数学课。

make a soccer team 组建一个足球队。

h**e a welcome party 开一个欢迎会。


a book review书评。

review his lesson复习功课。

do some review about 关于…..的评论。


h**e an interview面试。

do an inter review with sb采访某人。

be interviewed by sb. about被…采访关于…

unit 2 i was on the edge of the grand canyon.

词组:out of the car走出汽车。


carefully over仔细看。

of the wonders奇观之一。

the top到达顶部。

away and down to a river降沉到河里。

the edge of the grand canyon 大峡谷的边缘。

both sides两边。

into the distance消失在苍茫中。

400 kilometers long400多公里长。

through the gate穿过一扇门。

in front of me出现在我面前。

拓展:v. 回答。

经过思考后的答复,较为正式 reply to sb. 对某人做出回答。

answer / reply that ….

answer my questions

reply to my questions

he failed to reply to this question.

he replied he was busy.

can you find out the answer to this question?

v. 消失。

disappearing adj. 消失的

he has been taking photos about disappearing villages. 她一直拍摄消失的村庄。

disappeared adj. 失望的。

i was very disappeared their team beat ours. 他们队赢了我们队我是多么失望啊。

v. 出现

突然出现。v. 云散。

the fog began to clear.

you should clear your table every morning.

i can’t hear you clearly . adv. )

clear water ( adj. )

suddenly the clouds cleared and the rain stopped. the sun rose behind me and beyond the rock. 突然,云开了,雨停了,太阳从我身后的岩石远处升起来了。

v. 面对。

we should face the challenges . 我们应该面对挑战

face to face面对面。

–rose-risen v . 升起 (指自己升起 )

our teacher told us that the sun rises in the east.

v. 提起 (外力升起)

on monday we raise our national flag on the playground. 每周一我们都要在操场上升国旗。


1)珠穆朗玛峰mount qomolangma

2)大堡礁the great barrier reef

3)大峡谷the grand canyon

4)维多利亚瀑布victoria falls

5) 里约热内卢港harbour of rio de janeirro


7)两级极光polar light

9. look over仔细检查。

look for寻找。

look up in the dictionary 查字典。

look around环视。

look out当心。

look down看不起。

look about环顾四周。

look back回顾。

look after照顾。

look at看….

look through浏览。

look forward to + doing 期望

we are looking to seeing you soon.

10. too…to太 ….而不能。

enough to… 足够干…

so …that … 如此 ….以致….

such…that…. 这样 ….以致….

it’s too hard to listen to the recording clearly.


unit 1what is a wonder of the world?一 英汉互译。1 开会2 我一点也不知道3 listen up,everyone4 what is it about5 do an interview about6 写下,记下7 do an interview with sb8...


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