
发布 2022-08-03 07:24:28 阅读 1766

unit 1what is a wonder of the world?


1)开会2)我一点也不知道3)listen up,everyone4)what is it about5)do an interview about6)写下,记下7)do an interview with sb8)写作文9)取得好成绩。

二.语言点:1)happen的用法a.sth + happened +地点|时间意为“某地|某时发生了什么事”。

b. happen to sb意为“某人发生了什么事”c. happen to do sth意为“某人碰巧做了某事”。


例如:a book on history关于历史的书a composition about the school concert

3) else与other的区别与练习。


例如:what other things can you see ? what others can you see?

what else can you see?4) how to get good grades.疑问词加不定式,在此做介词on的宾语,“疑问词+to do”结构中的“疑问词”包括疑问代词what,which, who, whom ;疑问副词when , where, how以及连词whether。

在这些词的后面加上不定式to do构成一个固定结构,相当于一个名词。例如:do you know how to cook fish?

三.运用1)where __are you going to visit?a. otherb.

anotherc. elsed. also2)a girl __lucy is waiting for you calledb.

callc. callingd. calls

3) the sign at the crossing tells us which road __a. to takeb. takingc.

taked. took4)i don’t know他发生了什么事)?2.用词的适当形式填空1)he is only interested insit) in a boat and doing nothing.

2be) cool is being popular.3)let’s play football instead ofstay) at home.4)why not __h**e ) a rest after a longwalk?

5)jim has a new friendcall ) rose. 6) what would you likewrite ) about the newmovie?7)the doctor suggestedtake ) a walk after supper.

8) inot hear ) ofhimbefore.

3.课文再现。1我们为什么不开办) an english corner for ourselves?

2)thewill采访)thefamoussingerand对……作评论) the band.3) i wanted to know该做什么) next.

unit 2i was on the edge of the grand canyon.

1)从……里出来2)走过大门3)在东方___4)检查5)太……而不能7)处于……的边缘8)在……底部9)lookacross10)on both sides11) over 400 kilometers long一.与how有关的疑问词:

1is it from your school to your home?

2has he been to the usa?——once.

3does the boy visit his grandparents?——twice a month.4will your sister come back from shenzhen?

——in a week.5are the shoes?——one hundred yuan.

二.习题。1)his grannydie ) for seven years.2) theyvisit ) the great wall twice.

3) i’ll tell you the news,as soon as he __come ) back.4) what __youdo ) when the telephone rang?5)he is one of the beststudent) in his class.

1.重点词汇: description

2.重点短语:h**e a meeting开会do an interview about对……作评论do an interview with采访某人write down写下,记下write a composition写作文get out of从……里出来go through a gate走过门口in five minutes五分钟以后fall away消失,离开look over检查on the edge of在……的边缘look down向下看at the bottom of在……的底部。

3.重点句型: 1) i’ll do some interviews about our f**ourite bands and movies.

2) and i’ll do an interview with becky wang.

3) the sun rose behind me and beyond the rocks. i saw that the ground fell away and down to a river ,farbelow me.

4) i was on the edge of the grand canyon, one of the wonders of the natural world.

5) then i looked across to the other side of the canyon.6) finally, i looked to my left and to my right…5. grammar:


1.at the moment, welearn ) about the great wall in our history lessons.2you evervisit ) the forbidden city?

3. iam looking forward tomeet ) my f**orite band soon.

4. next week itake ) some foreigners to visit the summer place.5.

hundreds of peoplevisit ) the pyramids every teacher told us that the sun r___in the east.

7. the d___from the earth to the sun is as much as about 150million is an a___country with long history.

9.. the mt. qomolangma is a wonder of the n___world.

10.. egypt, a country in africa,is famous for its the students has a new dictionary now.12.

the boy grows both in hand weight.

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