九年级U12导学案 1

发布 2022-08-03 07:25:28 阅读 4835

unit 12 life is full of the unexpected

单元语法重点:1.过去完成时的构成:助动词 had (用于各种人称和数) +过去分词 when i got to school, the bell___ring).

2. 过去完成时的用法:


3. 常用的几种方式: 用介词by, before 等构成的时间短语。

welearn) 20 english songs by the end of last month.

用连词when, before, after或者短语by the time引导的时间状语从句。

the plane __take) off when i reached the airport.

by the time i got up , my brother___le**e) home.

by the time 意思是 “到…的时候”,相当于 when , 后接过去时的句子时, 主语的谓语动词用过去完成时态:by the time i got outside, the bus __already __le**e). 我出去的时候,公共汽车已经开走了。

sectiona 一根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. i got to school late because i (睡过头)this morning.

2. when i got home, i realized i had (遗忘)my english book at school.

3. it’s cold (在外面), you’d better wear more clothes. 4.

when i got to school, i (意识到)i forgot to bring my homework.

5. you’d better put your homework in your背包).

6. i got up early this morning because i didn’t want to __错过) the early bus.

7. the drop in prices was quiet __出乎意料的).

8. the __工人) fell down and got hurt.

9. the plane was flying __在上面) the clouds.

10. the river goes through the city from __西) to east.

二、短语1. 到---时候___2. 起床 __3. 洗澡___4.把某物忘在某___

4. 充满5. 发出声音___6.捎某人一程 __7.即将做某事___8.尽管,即使9. 难以置信10.起飞。


1. tom drove by and g**e me a __on the way home.

a. flight b. run c. walk d. lift

2. when i got to the cinema, the movie __for five minutes.

a. began b. had begun c. had been on d. has been on

3. she will be a nurse __she graduates from the school.

a. by the time b. at this time c. at that time d. at a time

4. the alarm is __there must something wrong with the car.

a. going on b. going by c. going off d. going down

5. i __this morning and missed the early bus.

a. overslept b. slept c. held d. caught

6. miss lee didn’t __our party because she forgot.


一轮复习九年级u12学案。词组 1 9附录词组 1.握手。2.顺便 或偶然 拜访3.毕竟,终究。4.发出令人不愉快的声音5.特地 不怕麻烦地 做某事6.使某人感到宾至如归7.餐桌礼仪8.习惯于9.自学。10.被期望,应该 2 11.迟到。12.与年长的人说话13.过去常常14.一个试验 实验sect...


过去完成时。概念 表示过去的过去,其构成是had 过去分词。那时以前那时现在。用法 1.表示某一动作在过去某一时刻之前已完成。例如 he had gone to bed by 10 00 last night.昨夜十点钟之前他已 去睡了。2.与一般过去时搭配,表达某一动作在过去的动作发生时已完成。例...


unit 12小卷。单词 出乎意料的背包睡过头鸣 响。街区工人盯着看不信n在。上面着。火n.adj活着机场直到。奶油工作日果馅派豆 豆荚市场傻瓜 装束害羞的 使人害羞的宣布意大利面条。发现n女士取消 可相信的。消失。词组 充满在。以前 2闹钟 响冲出。捎。一程至少将要做某事成一排怀疑 盯着某人错过公...