九年级英语上册m1 m9小练习

发布 2022-07-25 14:54:28 阅读 4305


1.刚才和你谈话的女孩就是我的好朋友。the girlis my best friend.

2.他有**烦了,我们不要取笑他。hewe shouldn’t laugh at him.


”he said he4.并非所有的答案都是对的the answers are 自发行唱片以来就赢得了许多人的喜爱。

ss501 hasmany peopletheir first cd came out..

二、module 8姓名:座位号:

1.我想知道那个会议进展的如何。i wonder how they arethe meeting.

2.她把车停了下来,让一位老人上了车。she stopped the car andthe old man.

3.即使你是对的你也不应该大声叫you are right, you shouldn’t shout.4.

他身体太虚弱,不能去旅行。he isgo on the journey.

5.我已经习惯于他的傲慢和无知。ihis arrogance and ignorance.


1.这些**能改变我们思考问题的方式。these photos can changewe think about things2.

这就是那个相见你的女孩。this is the girlsee you.3.

这个产自天津的自行车很便宜。the bike whichin tianjin is cheap.4.

这就是我出生的小镇。this is the towni was born.

5.他昨天借的书非常的有趣。the bookyesterday is very interesting.

四、module 7姓名:座位号:

1.你想帮忙找到他们吗?would you liketo find them?2.听到这个消息我们都很吃惊。weat the news.

3.他们的生活方式跟我们的很相似。the way of their lifestyleours.

4.他在班级里比任何一个人都高。he is taller thanin the class.

5.她最喜欢的颜色是白色。the coloris white.

五、module 6姓名:座位号:

1.昨天扔掉的东西是小李的。the thingsyesterday are xiaolin’s.

2.即使是大雨也无法阻止我们上学the he**y rain can’t stopto school.3.

你应该写作业而不是在床上躺着。you should belying in the bed,4.早起对你没有坏处。

getting up early in the morning won’tyou.5.我们必须谨慎的对待环境。

we mustthe environment.

六、module 6姓名:座位号:

1.这场暴雨使庄稼受到了很大的损害。the storm hasthe crops.

2.我爸爸2024年入党。my fatherthe army in 1990.

3.他的不良习惯影响了他的一生。his bad habitto his whole life.

4.欧盟由四十几个国家组成。the european unitedmore than forty countries.

5.不准四处张贴海报posters here and there.

七、module 5姓名:座位号:

1.他尤其渴望见到家人he longs to see his families.2.

我们应该集中注意力工作。we shouldwork.3.

怪不得它看起来像真的it looks real.

4.下次你来北京的时候如果可以的话来看看我吧。come and __me if possible when you come to bj next time.

5.你不准在课室吃东西。you arein the classroom.

八、module 4姓名:座位号:

1.每天晚上我妈妈都会翻翻报纸。my mothernews***** every evening.

2.你可以一次交一篇文章。you can hand in one composition

3.在古代,纸由木头做的,然后用手工制成书。in those days, *****wood and books were made __4.

我决定写信而不打**。i decided to writephone.

5.据说,有天我们都可以上月球all of us can fly to the moon

九、module 3姓名:座位号:

1.你知道wto代表了什么嘛?do you know what wto

2.这家公司在2024年建立,在2024年倒闭。this companyin 1990 and itin 2000.

3.下周的篮球赛我们将会对1班。weclass 1 in the basketball match next week.

4.我更愿意去逛街而不愿留在家里。igo shoppingstay at home.

5.她是如此好的女孩,所以人人都喜欢她。the girl iseveryone likes isgirl __everyone likes her.

十、module 2姓名:座位号:

1.在被打败后,他们逃走了。theyafter being beaten.

2.就她所记的,他是前年来这里的remembers, he came here two years ago.3.

在做题前必须浏览试卷。the *****before answering.4.

曾经,我很喜欢你。i fell in love with you

5.在这部影片的最后,这个女人死了of the film, the woman died.

十一、module 1姓名:座位号:

1.乐从在佛山近郊。lecong isfoshan.2.着火啦,快离开这里。it’s on firehere quickly!

3.他从森林里走过,然后走到了路对面。he walked __the forest, and then camethe road.

4.你还要其他的东西吗?would you like

5.这本书太难了,我看不懂。the book isto read.6.

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2019九年级英语下m1 2练习卷

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