
发布 2022-08-03 03:32:28 阅读 7723


unit1 topic 1


重要短语】h**e a good summer holiday 过愉快的暑假。

come back from… 从……回来。

work for … 为……工作。

feel sorry for… 对……深表同情。

a disabled children’s home残疾儿童养育院。

the whole holiday 整个假期。

tell stories to kids 给小孩讲故事。

learn…from 从……当中学习。

feed a child 喂小孩。

do farm work 干农活。

go to summer classes 上暑期班。

write an article about… 写篇有关…的文章。

h**e a hard life 过着艰苦的的生活。

in the past/ future 在过去/ 在将来。

in detail 详细地。

at sunrise 在日出时。

h**e no chance to do sth. 没有机会做某事。

afford ( to do) sth 担负得起(做)某事。

give support to sb. 给某人帮助/支持。

get a good education 获得良好的教育。

search…for… 为了……搜索……

h**e little food to eat 吃不饱。

dress warmly 穿得暖。

with the development of… 随着……的发展。

h**e a balanced diet 饮食均衡。

play musical instruments 演奏乐器。

sleep in the open air 在户外睡觉。

study/ go abroad 在国外学习/ 出国。

win/ lose a competition 赢得/ 输掉比赛。

enjoy beijing opera 欣赏京剧。

used to do sth. 过去常做某事。

at sunrise 在日出时

go hungry 变饿了。

fall ill 得病/ 患病。

divide …into… 把……分成……

feel satisfied with… 对……感到满足。

see ….oneself 亲眼看见……

make progress 取得进步。

thanks to 多亏; 幸亏;由于。

stand for 代表。

with the help of… 在……的帮助下。

draw up an outline 拟定提纲。

重点句型】h**e just come back from your hometown. 你刚刚从你的家乡返回。

goes the bell.= the bell is ringing. 铃响了。

you spent the whole holiday working here? 你整个暑期都在那里工作吗?

that so? 真是那样吗?

you describe it in detail? 你能详细地说说吗?

job was to grow cotton.(作表语)我的工作是种植棉花。

had to divide my money into two parts. 我不得不把钱分成两份。

has seen the changes in beijing himself. 他亲眼目睹了北京的变化。

9. i think it is important to remember the past, live in the present and dream about the future. 我认为记住过去、立足现在、展望未来非常重要。

10.thanks to / because of the government’s efforts.由于**的努力。

词形转换】training (动词)——train“训练”

whole (同音词)——hole

tidy (近义词)——clean

develop (名词) —development(形容词)——developed“发达的”


rapid (副词)——rapidly

old (比较级) —older; elder

recent (副词) —recently

narrow (反义词)——wide

title (近义词) —subject


即“过去的动作 + 现在的结果”, 强调结果。如:

i h**e bought a new bike. (i bought a new bike, and i h**e a new bike now.)


构成形式: 助动词h**e / has + 动词的过去分词。

1.肯定句: i h**e seen the film我已经看过这部电影。

否定句: i h**en’t seen the film. 我没看过这部电影。

一般疑问句: h**e you seen the film? 你看过这部电影了吗?

回答: yes, i h**e. 是的,我看过了。 no, i h**en’t. 不,我没看过。

特殊疑问句: what h**e you done? 你已经做了什么?

2.肯定句: he has finished the task. 他已经完成了任务。

否定句: he hasn’t finished the task. 他还没有完成任务。

一般疑问句: has he finished the task? 他已经完成任务了吗?

回答: yes, he has. 是的,他完成了。 no, he hasn’t. 不,他没有完成。

特殊疑问句: what has he finished他完成了什么?

二)h**e/ has been to与 h**e/ has gone to

h**e/ has been to + 某地, 到过某地,说话时人已经回来了。

h**e /has gone to + 某地, 说明去了某地, 说话时人还没回来。 如:

i h**e been to beijing twice. 他去过北京两次。

---where is jim? 吉姆在哪儿?

---he has gone to the library? 他去图书馆了。


i had no time to tr**el, i still felt very happy this holiday!


though 从属连词,用来引导让步状语从句,表“虽然;尽管”,不能与but连用。

如:though he is poor, he is happy. =he is poor, but he is happy.

you please tell me something about chinese teenagers?


could /would you please (not) do sth? 请(不)做某事好吗?

如:could you please turn down your radio? 请把收音机声音调低好吗?

would you please not play football here? 请不要在这儿踢球好吗?

couldn’t afford education for their children. 父母供不起孩子上学。

afford 常与can, could 或 be able to 连用,尤其用于否定句或疑问句,表“负担得起(做)某事;抽得出(时间)” can’t/ couldn’t) afford (to do) sth.”

如:we can’t afford (to buy ) this house because we don’t h**e enough money.


he felt he couldn’t afford any time to play football. 他觉得自己没有时间踢球了。

government gives support to poor families. 我们的**能为贫困家庭提供帮助。

give support to sb.= give sb. support 为某人提供帮助/ 支持。


如:she had to support her family at the age of ten. 她十岁时就得养家。

his parents supported him in his decision.他的父母支持他的决定。

the two sticks support the tree. 两根木棍支撑着这棵树。

not go and search the internet for some information?


search sp. for sth. 搜查某地寻找某物。

search sb. for sth. 搜身查找某物。

search for sth./ sb.= look for sth./ sb. 搜寻某物/ 某人。

如:the villagers searched the woods for the lost children.村民们在树林里寻找失踪的孩子们。


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