
发布 2022-08-18 04:00:28 阅读 3704

unit5 topic1 sectiona

1.语法:定语从句(that/which/who/whose/where/when/ two years since+过去时的句子自从。。。

已经有两年了。 with sb.与某人住在一起。

much/little about…对。。。不太了解 …years of history有多少年的历史 places of interest很多名胜古迹7. a number of…许多的/大量的谓语用复数a number of boys are playing soccer number of…。。

的数量谓语用单数the number of students in class 3 second longest river第二长的河。

birthplaces of chinese culture中华民族文化的发源地 else?还有别的么?形容词/副词修饰不定代词放后面。

sb. sth.=fetch sth.

for sb.给某人取某物 detail详尽地。

in…位于…(之内lie on…(相邻lie to…位于(之外lie-lying躺在unit5 topic1 a lot of fun有很多乐趣。

the southwest of china在中国西南部3. a part of…。。的一部分。

sb. surprised and excited让某人惊讶和激动make sb.+动词原形/形容词/名词。

worth doing sth.值得做某事worth形容词值得。


a surprise!感叹句多么令人惊奇呀! of听说hear from收到某人来信。

to do sth.好象要做某事it seems that+句子好似要。。。to do sth.

偶然去做某事happen to sb.偶尔发生在某人身上 well worth doing sth.很值得做某事 oneself in doing sth.

沉迷于。。。13. the home of…。。

的故乡 home and abroad在国内外section c

great number of+名词复数许多的/大量的the number of…。。的数量是。。。to…回到。。。

july 1st,1997在具体哪一天用on

as a bridge作为一个桥梁来为。。。服务连接。

know as…因。。。身份为出名be famous for…因。。。特征而出名 a chance to do sth.

有机会做某事 of想起think about考虑think sth. over仔细考虑把。。。当作 considered被看做 for a visit来参观12.

be easy to do sth.很容易做某事sectiond

from…与。。。不同 covered with…被。。。覆盖 outdoor activities做户外活动 down损坏。

snowmen做雪人throw snowballs打雪仗go skating去滑冰go skiing去滑雪go swimming去游泳go hiking去徒步旅行fly kites放风筝take photos拍照。

go to the park/zoo去公园/动物园。

the bright sunshine on the beach在海滩上享受明媚的阳光 used to doing sth.习惯做某事used to do sth.过去常做某事。

someplace by land通过陆路去某地by water通过水路。


仁爱版英语9年级下册。unit5 topic3 中考真题汇编。单项选择。1.2015 辽宁省丹东市joesteve may go camping with you on tuesday,because they are not allowed to go out on school days.a.e...


仁爱版英语9年级下册。unit5 topic3 中考真题汇编。单项选择。1.2015 辽宁省丹东市joesteve may go camping with you on tuesday,because they are not allowed to go out on school days.a.e...


unit5 topic3中考真题汇编。单项选择。1.2015辽宁省丹东市joesteve maygo camping withyouon tuesday,because they are not allowed to go out on school either,or b.neither,nor ...