
发布 2021-05-18 05:21:28 阅读 4973


topic 1

大量的a great number of

详细的in detail

地发源地the birthplace of …

值得做某事be worth doing sth.

位于lie in/on/to

在…扮演重要角色play an important role/part in…

把…视为…regard …as

把…与…分开separate … from

听说hear of/about

收到某人来信hear from

topic 2

去世pass away

在教育领域in the field of education

至理名言wise saying

在某人三十多岁时in one’s thirties

结束come to an end

以…为骄傲be proud of= take pride in

成为…的骄傲be the pride of…

对…感兴趣be interested in(doing) sth.

真是难以置信!it’s hard to believe

死于…die of(内因)

死于…die from(外因)

成功地做某事succeed in doing sth.

真可惜!what a pity/shame!

毕业于graduate from

深造further study

除…之外(也)as well as

组建,建立set up

主管,掌管in charge of

被誉为be honored as…

对…有极大影响h**e a huge influence on sth.

topic 3

承诺(答应)做某事promise to do sth.

要么。要么…either …or…

既不…也不…neither… nor…

为了纪念in memory of sb./sth.

在某人的一生之中in/during one’s life

积极参加take an active part in

爆发break out

内战 civil war

释放set free

丢弃,摆脱,扔掉get rid of

嘲弄,取笑,拿…开玩笑make fun of

国内外home and abroad

单项选择。 ) that lived in the mountains didn’t h**e wells in the past, so they had to __water from a stream far away.

)2.—can you introduce the schoolboy us all?

ok. he prefers drawing and always loses in it.

him. himself himself him

) *****-****** factory was __near the river. it has badly polluted the river water.

out up up up

) is the most interesting book __i h**e ever read.

) became a famous writer when he was __

his fifty his fifties

fifty years old fifties

) which __its beautiful scenery makes me really excited.

known as as

famous for as

) he keeps on working so hard, he’ll __under the pressure of work.

down down out into

)3.—do you know everybody __came to the party?

—almost, but i don’t know the one __you talked with near the door.

/ that which d./;whom

( )junlong and nie haisheng are the __of our nation.

) became a famous writer when he was __

his fifty his fifties fifty years old fifties

)8.—can you the sentences into clauses(分句)?

—yes, i can.

out up down

)10.—do you know about yuan longping?

—only a little. but chinese people are proud of the man __hybrid rice is famous.

)1.—which do you prefer, soda or coffee?

—i like __of them. tea is my f**orite.

)3.—h**e you ever been to the village __tai****un?

—no. i h**e never been there before.

called call d. is calling

( )9.—must we go there together at once?

you __he goes there, only one student is needed.

and nor only; but also

)10.—will the foreigners h**e any problems talking with chinese people in china?

i don’t think so. now __the young __the old are learning to speak english.

nor or

except only; but also

) man to __my father is speaking is my uncle.

) tourists __h**e been to mount wuyi lost __in the beautiful scenery there.

a./;them them

themselves themselves

) isthe treasure island of china and it is a part of china.

as as to to


civil war in americanin 1861.

has __her college dreamnow.

grapes all over the world.

books which were written by himreading.

changbai thatthe northeast of china is famous for tianchi.

a pity that his motherlast year.

left the girl the children for a week.

the meetingwe left the room quickly.

will h**e to work hard if you hope tobusiness.


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