
发布 2021-05-20 18:06:28 阅读 6268

unit 5 topic 1 复习精练。

词汇复习。section a

come onon footthe same to you.__


how do you usually come to school

i usually come to school by subway



) 1. -happy new year

a. thank you. b. the same to you. i will

) 2. -he often comes to school __foot.

a. inb. onc. by

) 3do you often go to work, miss wang? -i usually go by bike.

a. how b. whatc. where

) 4. he is a good student. he is __late for school.

a. often b. alwaysc. never

section b


笨鸟先飞see a movie

take a bustake the subwayride a bike

) 1. he often __tv after school.

a. looksb. seesc. watches

) 2do you read books? -every day.

a. how farb. how often c. how long

) 3.--kangkang often __to school

a. rides a bike b. by bikec. on a bike

) 4. _weekdays, my father always gets up at 6:00.

inc. at

section c

get uph**e classesgo to bed

at schoolafter schoolgo swimming

go fishing听**多久一次。


) 1.--how often does he play ping-pong?

a. after school b. once a week c. in the afternoon

) 2. tom is an __boy. he is from america.

a. englishb. japanesec. american

) 3. we often __after school.

a. go swimb. go swimming c. to swimming

) 4. -do you play soccer? -three times a week.

a. how muchb. how many c. how often

section d

in one’s free timenice talking to you

) 1. my father often goes fishing __his free time.

a. onb. atc. in

重点语法: 频率副词。






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my day


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