
发布 2020-02-22 05:17:28 阅读 5138

我过去起床很晚。i used to get up late.我习惯于早起。

i am used to getting up early.等一会儿wait a minute你过去弹钢琴吗?

did you use to play the piano?我对学英语感兴趣。

i am interested in studying english.她喜欢踢足球。i like playing soccer.

我在游泳队。i am on the soccer team.我是游泳队的一员。

i am a member of the soccer team.人们确实改变。people sure change.他过去害怕黑暗。

he used to be afraid of the dark.害怕做某事be afraid of doing sth害怕做某事be afraid to do sth一个寂寞的男孩a lonely boy感觉寂寞feel lonely

独自呆在家里stay alone at home坐飞机飞行fly in an airplane上飞机get on the plane下飞机get out of the plane在黑暗中in the dark在夜晚in the evening在一群人面前。

in front of a group of people睡觉时卧室的灯是开着的。

go to bed with the bedroom light on通过电视看比赛。

watch the match on tv蜘蛛和其他的昆虫。

spiders and other insects还有什么。

what else / what other things害怕体育课。

be afraid of / be terrified of gym class我不担心考试。

i don’t worry about the tests.一直,总是all the time吃糖eat candy嚼口香糖chew gum


my biggest problem is that i’m too busy.忙于做某事be busy doing sth忙于某事be busy with sth如此多的时间so much time如此多的规矩so many rules这些天these days

直接回家go right home吃晚饭eat dinner花费时间/金钱做某事。

spend) spend time/money doing sth在某事上花费时间/金钱。

spend) spend time / money on sth

做某事花费某人一些时间(take)it takes sb some time to do stheat过去式,过去分词,现在分词eat—ate—eaten --eating

不再no longer / no more / not…any longer/ not…any more整天all day

和某人聊天chat with sbchat过去式,过去分词,现在分词chat—chatted—chatted—chatting带我去**会take me to concerts我有做作业的时间。

i h**e time to do my homework.同义句i h**e time for homework.我有买车的钱。

i h**e money to buy a car.同义句i h**e money for a car.怀念过去的日子miss the old days

在过去几年中我的生活改变很多。my life has changed a lot in the last/ past few years.在过去50年中中国发生很多变化。

great changes h**e taken place in china in the last / past50 years.


my daily life is different from yours.介意做某事mind doing sth你介意我在这吸烟吗?

would you mind my smoking here?我喜欢读漫画。

i like reading comics.不要如此担心事情。

don’t worry about things so much.这会让你有压力。

it will make you stressed out.

我的朋友搬到另外一个城镇去了。my friend moved to another town.受感动(两个)

be moved / be impressed我把头发留长了。

i grow my hair long.她似乎很年轻。

she seems to be young同义句she seems young.

同义句it seems that she is young.她似乎知道每件事。

she seems to know everything.同义句。

it seems that she knows everything.一个十一岁的男孩。

an eleven-year-old boy

支付。。。pay for (pay--paid—paid)我支付不起这个房子。

i can’t afford the house.同义句。

i can’t afford to pay for the house.为他自己和家人惹麻烦causetrouble/problemsforhimselfandhisfamily

陷入麻烦get into trouble处于麻烦中be in trouble摆脱麻烦get out of trouble对某人有耐心be patient with sb最后in the end做一个艰难的决定。

make a difficult decision决定做某事decide to do sth把他送到一个男子寄宿学校。

send him to a boys’boarding school

send过去式,过去分词,现在分词send—sent—sent—sending使某人吃惊的是to one’s surprise那就是我确实想要的。

it was exactly what i needed.即使他很穷,他也很快乐。

even though he is poor, he is happy.以。。。为骄傲(两个)

take pride in / be proud of他已经死了两年了。

he has been dead for two years.他两年前死了。

he died two years ago.他的死让我们难过。

his death made us sad.

那条狗快死了。the dog is dying.注意你的发音。

pay attention to your pronunciation班级中最好的学生之一。

one of the best students in the class对自己感觉好。

feel good about oneself


it’s important for sb to do sth在那里支持着他们的孩子。

be there for their children放弃做某事give up doing sth把它放弃give it up

别浪费时间。don’t waste time.改变某人的想法change one’s mind正如martin自己说的as martin himself says他的妈妈尽可能好地照顾他。

his mother looked after him as much as she could.和他妈妈的最近一次谈话。

a recent conversation with his mother改变某人的生活change one’s life画画paint a picture她过去恐高。

she used to be afraid high places.你过去很矮,是不是?

you used to be short, didn’t you?


九年级英语。第一课。和朋友们一起学习。制作抽认卡。制作词汇表。向老师寻求帮助。为考试而学习。大声读。用那种方法。口语表达技巧。学习更多英语的最好方法。明确的建议。例如。玩得开心。一点也不。对 感到兴奋。结束。学习英语的方法。做调查。看英语电视节目。记英语笔记。犯错误。知道如何做某事。准确发音。许多 ...


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