
发布 2020-02-22 05:25:28 阅读 3723

important phrases in grade nine

bunit 1

1. by listening to tapes 通过听磁带。

2. by working with a group通过小组学习。

3. the best way to do ( of doing ) sth.


4. practice speaking english练习说英语。

5. english – speaking friends讲英语的朋友。

6. writing / listening practice写作(听力)练习。

7. improve my speaking skills


8. spoken english 英语口语。

9. get excited about sth 对…感兴奋。

10. get excited about doing ( to do ) sth.


11. end up with sth. 以…结束

12. end up doing sth. 终止做某事,结束做某事。

13. end up speaking in chinese


14. make mistakes in spelling ( grammar )


15. how to use怎样使用。

16. be afraid of sb. /sth. 害怕某人/物

17. be afraid to do 害怕做,不敢做。

18. decide ( not ) to do sth. =decide on doing

make a decision to do sth. 决定(不)做。

19. enjoy doing 喜欢干…

20. suggest doing sth. 建议做。

21. h**e trouble doing sth. =h**e problems doing sth.

= h**e a hard ( difficult ) time doing sth. 做。有困难。

22. h**e fun doing sth 玩得高兴

23. learn to forget 学会忘记。

24. try ( do ) one’s best to do sth. 尽力做。

25. with the help of sb. =with sb.’s help


26. (how ) deal with = what )do with 对待,处理,27. worry about = be worried about 担心,担忧。

28. give sb. some suggestions = give sb. some advice


29. write ( it , them ) down写下,记下。

30. look ( it, them ) up in a dictionary查字典。

31. be angry with sb. =be mad at sb.

be annoyed with sb. 生某人的气

32. be angry at / about sth. 对某事生气。

33. h**e conversations with friends 与朋友对话。

34. make flashcards 做单词抽认卡。

35. make vocabulary lists 做单词表

36. ask…for help 向某人求助。

37. study for a test 为考试作准备。

38. that way (=in that way) 通过那种方式。

39. too …to… 太…而以致于不能做。

40. read aloud 朗读。

41. learn a lot 学到许多。

42. help a little 有点帮助。

43. not …at all 根本不,全然不

44. ask sb. about sth .问某人关于。的事。

45. feel differently 感受不同。

46. be different from = be not the same as

与。不同。47. the difference between a and b


48. get lots of ( much ) practice


49. get sth.+adj. 使。

50. get the pronunciation right 使发音准确。

51. join an english language club


52. first at all 首先。

53. to begin with ( at first ) 开始

54. in class 在课堂上

55. later on 随后

56. laugh at 嘲笑

57. make complete sentences with


58. take notes 记笔记。

59. this kind of ***** 这种纸。

60. feel soft 摸起来柔软。

61. around the world = all over the world 全世界。

62. make up 编造,虚构,化妆,打扮

63. speak english as a second language


64. go by 消逝。

65. regard sb. /sth. as = h**e / take… as

think of… as 把…当做…

66. regard problems as challenges


67. solve a problem解决困难。

68. complain about / of sb. /sth. to sb.


69. change sth. into 把…变为…

70. compare a with / to b 把…和…作比较

71. think of 想起,想到

72. break off friendships


unit 2

1. used to do 过去常常

2. be used to doing … 习惯于作。

3. be used to do 被用来作。

4. wear glasses 戴眼镜。

5. wait a minute 等一等。

6. pay ( more )attention to sth. (doing sth.)


7. give up doing = stop doing 放弃做…

8. instead of ( doing ) 代替, 而不是。

9. be interested in doing = take ( an ) interest in doing 对…感兴趣

10. lose interest in 对…失去兴趣。

11. on the swim team = be a member of the swim team 游泳队的队员。

12. be afraid ( terrified ) of doing sth. 惧怕做。

13. be terrified of sth. /sb.=be afraid of

惧怕某人/ 物…

14. go to sleep = fall asleep 入睡。

15. all the time = always 一直,总是。

16. play + 球类名词 / 棋类。

17. play the +乐器(piano ) 弹(钢琴)

18. play with 玩耍,与一起玩。

19. with the lights on 开着灯….

20. with the door open ( closed ) 开(关)着门。

21. walk to school = go to school on foot 步行去上学。

22. take the bus to school = go to school by bus


23. spend time doing = take time to do


24. speak in front of a group 在人群面前讲话

25. take sb. to concerts 带某人去**会。

26. go right home 直接回家。

27. be alone 单独。

28. daily life 日常生活。

29. chat with sb. about sth和…聊关于…

30. in the last ( past ) few years


31. make you stressed out使你紧张。

32. look after… well = take good care of …

照顾… 好。

33. watch …on tv在电视上看…

34. all day (long) =the whole day 整天。

35. as +原级+ as sb. can / could

as+原级+ as possible 尽可能…地。

36. in the end = at last = finally 最后,终于

37. talk with和…谈论。

38. to one’s surprise 令某人吃惊的是。

39. in surprise 吃惊地

40. even though = even if 尽管。

41. no longer = not… any longer 不再。

42. no more=not… any more 不再。

43. take pride in = be proud of 对…感到自豪。

44. the pride of 是…的骄傲

45. change one’s life 改变某人的生活

46. change one’s mind 改变某人的主意。

47. an eight-year-old boy 一个八岁大的男孩子。

48. problem child 问题少年。

49. after his father's death a few years ago


50. can /can't afford to buy …


51. be patient with 对…有耐心。

52. cause trouble to sb. 给… 惹麻烦。


九年级英语。第一课。和朋友们一起学习。制作抽认卡。制作词汇表。向老师寻求帮助。为考试而学习。大声读。用那种方法。口语表达技巧。学习更多英语的最好方法。明确的建议。例如。玩得开心。一点也不。对 感到兴奋。结束。学习英语的方法。做调查。看英语电视节目。记英语笔记。犯错误。知道如何做某事。准确发音。许多 ...


我过去起床很晚。i used to get up late.我习惯于早起。i am used to getting up early.等一会儿wait a minute你过去弹钢琴吗?did you use to play the piano?我对学英语感兴趣。i am interested in ...


unit 1 add sth.to 把 添加到make mistakes 犯错误。get into trouble 陷入麻烦 困境 中 make mistakes in grammar犯语法错误。be in trouble处在麻烦 困境 中。look up the words in the dict...