
发布 2022-08-05 12:18:28 阅读 8686

九年级 units 11-12


i 词组。1) dress up 穿上盛装;装扮。

2) hand in 交上;递交。

3) go past 越过;绕过。

4) be supposed to do 应该;被期望。

5) drop by 顺便(或偶然)拜访。

6) after all 毕竟;终究;究竟。

7) make a noise 发出令人不愉快的声音。

8) go out of one’s way to do sth. 特地(不怕麻烦地)做某事。

9) make sb. feel at home 使某人感到宾至如归。

10) be/get used to 习惯于…

11) learn … by oneself 自学。

ii 句型。

1 could you please tell me where the restrooms are? 请问洗手间在**?


excuse me. could you tell meto the restrooms?

excuse me. could you tell me howget to the restrooms?

excuse me. could you tell me how __get to the restrooms?

excuse methe way to the restrooms, please?

excuse methe restrooms, please?

excuse me. howget to the restrooms, please?

2 they h**e organized games and the staff dressed up as clowns.




get dressed “穿上衣服one’s clothes

dress up “化装”,“穿上盛装”,“打扮”

dress up as 打扮成….


they allpla men.

3 you’re not supposed to make noise while eating noodles.


be supposed to = should

while eating noodles是while从句的省略形式。

改写本句:youmake noise whileeating noodles.

4 although i still make lots of mistakes, it doesn’t bother me like it used to. 虽然我还是出了不少错,但它不像以前那样让我烦恼。

mistake “错误”,“过失”,可数名词。常与make连用。

例句:anyone can make a mistake. 人人都会犯错误。

补充:词组 by mistake

5 i find it difficult to remember everything, but i’m gradually getting used to things, and don’t find them so strange any more.


1)i find it difficult to remember everything. 改为复合句。

i find (thatdifficult to remember everything.

2)get/be used to sth/doing(sth) “习惯于”

be used to do “被用来……”

used to do “过去常常…”

6 your teachers will not be pleased if you write e-mail english in a test! 如果你在测试中用电子邮件英语老师会不高兴的。

用unless 改写。


完成句子。1. 晚会上我通常是喝茶而不是喝咖啡。

i oftenat the party.

2. 虽然她不再年轻了,但她有一颗年轻的心。

thoughshe has a young heart.

3. 坐电梯到二楼,银行就在书店旁边。

the second floor, the bank isthe bookstore.

4. 体育和**相比,我更喜欢**。

i5. 微机室不许吸烟。

smokingin the computer room.

6. 中国以它的特殊文化而闻名。

chinaits special culture.

7. 吃饭时不要用筷子指着别人。

don’tothers with chopsticks while eating.

8. 他们特意让我感觉自然些。


ii 中考链接。

1 选择。1) they __many happy hours __along the beach during that holiday.

a. spend, walking b. spent, walking

c. cost , walking d. g**e, walking

2) which one has the same meaning as “take your time”?

a. take it easy b. no hurry c. hurry up d. be quick

3) can you tell me

a. how much does it cost b. how much it is

c. how much it costs d. both b and c

4) i feelafter a good sleep.

a. relaxation b. relaxed c. relaxes d. relaxs

5) -will you come to the dinner party?

---i won’t come until jenny

a. will be invited b. can be invited

c. invitedd. is invited

6) it’s too hot. do you mindthe window?

a. my closing b. my opening c. open d. close

7) sheshanghai next week.

a, is le**ing for b. le**es for c. le**ed d. left

8) yang liwei is proudhis motherland.

a. in b. of c. from d. for

9) hein his english test *****. his teacher was very angry with him.

a. makes some mistakes b. make a mistake

few mistakes d. made many mistakes

2 句型转换。

1) are there any public restrooms around here? could you tell me?(合并)

could you tell me ifany public restrooms here?

2) should i shake hands or kiss? (同义句)

am ishake hands or kiss?

3) he can’t come to the party today. i think.(合并)

ithink hecome to the party today.

4) lily spent more than two hundred yuan buying this t-shirt.(同义句)

this t-shirtlilytwo hundred yuan.


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