
发布 2022-08-02 05:37:28 阅读 6575

unit 1 how do you study for a test?


unit1 how do you study for a test?

period 2 (2a-2c)

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

period 3 (3a-4)

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

period 4 (section b 1a-2c)

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

period 5 (3a-4)

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

period 6 (self-check)

unit 1 how do you study for a test?

period 7 (reading)

unit 2 i used to be afraid to the dark.

period 1 (sectiona 1a-1c)

教学目标:talk about what you used to be like.

教学重点:通过对人物外貌及性格的描写,来比较自己和家人现在与过去的状况,学习used to 的用法。

教学难点:alone,quiet, funny, tall, short等词的使用;used to 的用法。

教学用具:a tape.

教学流程:step greetings and reviewing.

step new words.

used to, appearances, personality.

step lead-in.

t: look at these pictures, can you use some words to describe them?

for example, appearance.

ss: …t: good. how about their personalities?

t: great! can you describe your deskmates?

step 1a.

fill in the chart.

step 1b. listening.

first, ask them to read the notes, then listen to the tape carefully, at last, check the answers together.

step 1c. pairwork.

step explaining.

used to : 过去常常”。后接东词原形,表示过去的习惯。暗指现在不存在的动作或状态。

例如: he used to wear pants.

step exercises.

step sumarry and homework.

step blackboard design.

step 教学反思:课堂气氛紧张,没有调动起学生的积极性。

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.

period 2 (2a-4)

教学目标:学习used to do …的几种句型。

教学重点:used to do…的反义疑问形式,一般疑问形式等其他形式及回答。

教学难点:used to do 与 be used to doing 的区别,及重点单词和短语。

教学用具:a tape.

教学流程:step greetings and reviewing.

step new words and phrases.

on the swim team. be interested in…; wait a minute; really.

step 2a

the teacher will make a list of the words that describe people’s personality, the ask students to add more.

for example: shy, serious, friendly, funny, outgoing…..

then, read them and check the words they hear.

step 2b. listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

the teacher should ask the students to read the sentences by themselves, and find out where they can’t understand.

after listening to the tape, check the answers.

step 2c pairwork.

in this part, the teacher should explain the rules, then ask them to mak up complete sentences in pairs.

step 3a

first, the teacher asks the students to think over what things that they were afraid of, and what things they are afraid of. then, let them to finish the chart.

important words and phrases:

be alont 独自一人; be afraid of speaking in front of a group 害怕在一组人前面讲话;……

step 3b, 4

first, let them practice the conversation in pair,

then, ask them to make up new conversations using another words written on the blackboard.

at last, share their conversations in class. and the teacher can evaluate their work.

step exercises.

step sumarry and homework.

step blackboard design.

step 教学反思:板书过多,有点乱。今后应该多课前研究下重难点,板书要突出重点。

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.

period 3 (section b 1a-2c)



hardly, miss, spend, all day; so much.

my biggest problem is that i’m too busy.等。

教学难点:miss, spend, so much及表语从句的用法。利用used to 的形式填空。


step greetings and reviewing.

step new words and phrases.

so much 如此多;all day= the whole day 整天;spend 花费,hardly ever 几乎不;miss 惦记,想念;错过,失掉。

step 3a my biggest problem

step 2b. listen again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.

the teacher should ask the students to read the sentences by themselves, and find out where they can’t understand.

after listening to the tape, check the answers.

step 2c pairwork.

in this part, the teacher should explain the rules, then ask them to mak up complete sentences in pairs.


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