
发布 2022-08-02 05:39:28 阅读 5725

unit 2 i used to be afraid of the dark.

words1. terrify v. frighten or make sb feel afraid 使害怕;使恐惧。

常构成短语:be terrified of 害怕……;恐惧……

相当于 be afraid of。be terrified of 后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式作宾语。例如:

i am always terrified/afraid of the dark. 我总是怕黑。

拓展】be terrified at 后可接名词、代词或动词-ing形式,表示“因听到、看到……而害怕,常有be terrified at the thought of / at the idea of / at the prospect of等搭配,即是“想到……而惊恐;想象……而惊恐;展望……而惊恐”等意思。例如:the old lady was terrified at the thought of crossing such a busy road .


2. on adj. connected to the electrical supply 开着的;接通的;工作着的。

表示正在进行或发生,常见的结构为 be/turn on。例如: is the light onin the room?


3. chat v. talk in a friendly informal manner 聊天;闲谈。

常构成 chatto/with sb about sth 结构,意为“和某人聊某事”。例如:many young people like chatting on the internet.


对应练习:after class,i like playing compute games and chatting __my friends __the internet.

a. to, by b. with, on c. for, in d. about, through

点拨】此题考察介词。chat with 意为“与……交谈”,on the internet 意为“在网上”,故选b

4. death n . dying or being killed 死;死亡。

例如:the death of her mother was sudden .她母亲的死很突然。


1)die 强调的是“死”的动作,为非延续性动词,强调“死”的一瞬间动作,不能和表示一段时间的短语连用。

例如:his grandpa died at the age of 80. 他爷爷是八十岁去世的。

2)dead为形容词,作表语或定语,强调的是“死”的状态,意为“死的;无生命的”。如果表达“死了多长时间”,则用“h**e been dead+for+一段时间”或“died+一段时间+ago”。

例如:he has been dead for two years.=he died two years ago 他死了两年了。

3)dying 为die的现在分词,也可作形容词,意为“垂死的;要死的“,常用作定语或表语。

例如:the dying soldier wants to take a last look at his country. 那位奄奄一息的战士想看祖国最后一眼。

4)death为die的名词形式。 例如:three years h**e passed since his death.他已经死了三年了。

对应练习】the doctor __a __boy yesterday.

a. had s**ed, dying b. s**ed, dead c. has s**ed, dead d. s**ed,dying

点拨】此题考查时态及dying与dead的区别。由剧中yesterday可知,应用一般过去时,故排除a、c;a dying boy意为“奄奄一息的男孩”,从句意看,医生救活了奄奄一息的男孩,故选d。

5. afford v. be able to meet the cost of 买得起,负担的起。

常和can,could或be able to 连用,其后接名词、大慈或动词不定式作宾语,尤其用于否定句和疑问句中。例如:he can afford an apartment.


6. cause v. be the cause of; make happen 造成,使发生。

例如:smoking can cause lung cancer.吸烟能导致肺癌。

拓展】1) cause 为可数名词,意为“原因;起因”,与介词of连用,反义词为effect。

例如:what was the cause of the accident? 造成之一事故的原因是什么?

2) cause为不可数名词时,意为“理由;缘故“,同义词为reason,其后接介词for或动词不定式 to do 。

例如: you h**e no cause for complaint / to complain。 你没有理由抱怨。


1) cause意为“起因“,指引起某种结果的”原因“,后接介词of。

例如:the cause of the accident was that he was driving too fast. 事故的原因是他开车开得太快。

2) reason 意为“理由;原因“,指决定做某事或采取某项行动的理由。

例如:the reason he was driving so fast was that he didn’t want to miss an important meeting.


3) excuse 意为“辩解;借口”,指对某种行为所做的解释,可以是真的,也可以是托辞。

例如:he made a good excuse for his fast driving 他为自己开快车找了一个堂皇的借口。

7. patient adj. h**ing or showing patience 有耐心的;忍耐的。

例如:he is patient enough to wait so long.他足够耐心等了这么久。

拓展】1) be patient with sb 意为“容忍某人;对某人有耐心”。

2) be patient of sth 意为“容忍某事”。



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