
发布 2022-07-22 11:16:28 阅读 3318



1、do you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.2、三会单词:peach , pear , orange(二)能力目标:

1、能用do you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.等语句交流。(三)情感态度目标。




1、句型do you like…? yes, i do./ no, i don’t.2、三会的单词:peach , pear , orange.五、教具准备。

1、桃子、橘子、梨等水果及教学卡片。2、多**课件。step1 warm up

to an english song: apple round, apple show a picture of some apples and some chant:

apples, apples, do you like?yes, yes, i yes, i do.

flies, flies, do you like ?don’t, don’t, i don’ no, i don’t.

then the teacher show smile face and sad face, h**e the students to feelyes, i do. no, i don’ presentation

boys and girls.

走向s1)hello! i’m miss gong. what’s your name?

point to the coat) look, pears, peaches.(衣服上粘有一些桃和梨的**)i like pears. do you like pears?

s1: yes, i a peach for you.

2.(走向s2)hello! what’s your name?

how are you? nice to meet peaches?whataboutpears?

doyoulike pears?

teacher walks to the blackboard.) i like peaches and pears. i like a sad face)

look at my hand. it’s an orange. now read after me :

i like oranges. do you like oranges? yes, i do.

引导学生说:ilike them very much.出示句子:

i like them very much.贴在黑板上并领读。


t: you can say: do you like? do you like?当转盘停下时说:do youlike…?

教师出示笑脸:yes, i do.教师出示哭脸:no,i don’t.让学生回答。)

转到最后一个时,教师:oh, you like peaches.拿个水果盘:

what aboutpears? (说慢一点)do you like pears? h**e some pears.


t:do you like cakes?

ss: yes, i do.(学生根据**下面的哭脸、笑脸来回答。

)t: what about hamburgers?/ ice-creams?




学生根据**下面的哭脸、笑脸来回答。) you like monkeys. i like monkeys, too.戴上猴子的头饰now,i’m monkey.

出示flash动画,看到梨,引导学生用do you like pears?提问,老师回答yes, i do.接着往下走,看到橘子do you like oranges?

yes, i do. (小猴子抱着橘子和梨) t: i like pears and oranges.

往下走,看到桃子,学生问:do you like peaches?教师回答:

yes, i do.(扔掉橘子和梨)接着是西瓜和兔子。最后小猴子什么也没得到,哭了起来。

t: oh,i don’t like rabbits. i h**e no pears, no oranges, no peaches, no practise

t: the monkeys like apples, pears and peaches. what does amy like?please listen to the

again. when you hear amy likes, please make a smile you know amy doesn’t like, make a sad some 小组表演对话。

六人一组,课件**示一只lion,下面是**及录音。 hello! my name is lion.

t: let’s say hello to hello!

ss:do you like peaches?lion::

no, i don’ you like pears?lion::no, i don’ you like oranges?

lion::no, i don’ you like rabbits?lion::

yes, i do.

2.教师扮演lion.学生问。3.小组内练习,然后上台展示。step5. sing

全体起立用两只老虎的曲调唱:do you like pears? do you like pears?yes, i do. yes, i do.

do you like peaches? do you like peaches?no, i don’t.

no, i don’ class is over. goodbye homework.完成调查表。


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