
发布 2022-07-10 07:36:28 阅读 8917

江苏省中学初三英语复习作业 8a unit 5


is one of thenorth) cities in china.

and more animals willappear) because they don’t h**e enough space .

that traffic accident, twenty people were killedinclude) three foreign visitors.

father lookedangry) at him because he lied to him again.

5. it isterrible) cold today, so you’ d better put on more clothes.

we don’t protect the wetlands, it will be___possible) to see these endangered birds, such as pandas and swans.

growhealthy) if they get enough water and sunshine.

cut out thenecessary) words.

are tr**eling and collecting.

we meet at theenter) to the cinema?


) you___tomorrow, tom?

a. will, doing b. are, do c. are, doing d. are, going do

)2. chinamany foodsiraq during the war.

a. provided, for b. provides, with c. provided, with d. provides ,for

) correct symbol of “therefore” is

a. ∵b. ∴c.< d.>

)4. this piano is too big. can you made___for it?

space b. some spaces c. some more rooms d. some space

) is __the east of china and __the east of fujian.

a, in, in b. in, to c. to , ond. to , to

) is too old to run __to catch the bus.

enough b. fastly enough c. enough fast d. enough quickly

)7. you can call me __0512or e-mail me __

a. on, atb. at , on c. by , ond. on, on

) the forests are getting fewer and fewer . we must___down too many trees.

a. keep people from cutting b. prevent people from cutting

c. stop people cuttingd. all the above

) always thinks more of himself thanso nobody likes him.

a. other b. the other c. othersd. the others

) found __to sleep.

a. difficult to get b. it difficult getting c.

it difficult to get d. that difficult to get

) you need more people __you __the vegetables?

a. help, water b. to help, water c. help, to water d. to help, watering

)12.__animals are in danger and there will be __space for them if we don’t take any actions.

and more, more and more b. less and less, less and less

c. more and more, less and less d. less and less, more and more

) kind of computer looks___and sells___in the shop.

a. nice, well b. good, good c. nicely, well d. good, nice

) the after-school activities, some students are playing___on the playground while the rest __doing some homework in the classrooms.

are b. happily, is c. happily, are d. happy , is

) seventy per cent of our earth __by water.

covering b. is covered c. are covered d. are covering


1.扎龙是世界上最重要的湿地之一。 zhalong is one of the


this areafood andwildlife.


many birds liveinallsome onlythere


there are many __in the wetlands and the birds canthem __food.



some people wantthe wetlandsmorefarms and buildings.


thistherefor wildlife.


the chinesetothesebirds and they __be safe in zhalong.


this yearof ourare going tothe different kinds of birds in zhalong and thetheir

10.该项研究将在下个月开始。thenext month.

11.我们每年统计一次鸟的数量。weonce a year.

江苏省怀仁中学高三数学作业 2

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