英语四级翻译练习 一

发布 2021-06-03 15:45:28 阅读 3254

1. 1. the president was worried about the accounting scandals会使公司陷入危机).

2他如何平衡人际关系) is still a secret.

2. 1. it is no use弥补她所遭到的歧视).

2. right on the stage站着一位野心勃勃的男孩).

3. in fact,my grandparents prefer宁读原著而不读修订本).

4. it is of utmost importance that申请表要**提交).

5. in fact,she discouraged her best friend完全是出于好意).

3. could h**e passed the exam if she身体好的话).

2. many countries with long history in the world are now___落后于西方发达国家).

3. the manager ensured us that is won't be long我们就能加薪).

4除了自然灾害方面的知识外), the book tells us how to predict them.

more volunteers visit there对贫困地区的孩子越有利).

4. 1. at the meeting, i suggested the manager采用这项新技术).

2. in brief, the government is called to为经济萧条作出解释).

3. i prefer your method to his因为我觉得你的更实际).

4. the headmaster called on all of the students to积极参加校运会).

5. the more careful you are你越不大可能犯错误).

5. 1. what i can suggest is that he花时间联系此技能).

2. the more i learn越觉得掌握的知识有限).

3. we h**e no need to do the work既然没让我们做).

4. many people don't seem to care会议是否能如期召开).

5. we all find it so important that we should对此事马上做出决策).

6. 1. at the meeting, i suggested the manager采用这项新技术).

2. in brief, the government is called to为经济萧条作出解释).

7. 1. i prefer your method to his因为我觉得你的更实际).

2. the headmaster called on all of the students to积极参加校运会).

8. 1. the more careful you are你越不大可能犯错误).

2. in developing the economy, the country优先发展重工业).

9. 1. on hearing this news, he was气得说不出话).

2. it seems that i could not finish the work on time. i wish我没有浪费这么多时间).

10. 1. this new film is比我上次看的那部有趣).

2吉姆当选我们协会的主席) instead of harry, which surprised us a lot.

11. 1. what i can suggest is that he花时间联系此技能).

2. the more i learn越觉得掌握的知识有限).

12. 1. what i can suggest is that he花时间联系此技能).

2. the more i learn越觉得掌握的知识有限).

13. should对此事马上做出决策).


14. 1. right after le**ing school he___在当地超市申请了一份工作).

2. we h**e an important match today. luckily the weather没有我们预想的那么糟).

15. 1. when they got off the plane外宾们收到了热烈欢迎) by the children.

2因为大一新生常在校园迷路), the university prepares the map for them.

16. 1. volunteers make a solemn vow to全心全意地为组委会服务).

2初来乍到你可能震惊), just like most immigrates here.

17. 1. the girl taken to the court by the police claimed that被说服吃药).

2如果你按照我的指令的话), the computer wouldn't h**e broken down.

18. 1. the new policy established last month使跨文化交流成为可能).

2. if his parents had found this earlier他就不会吸烟上瘾).

19. 1. delegates from many nations proposed废除更多的核电站).

2. the output of the workshop this month相比增加了 20%) of last month.

20. 1最使我们困惑的是)is that this restaurant doesn't h**e any table at all.

2. two tourists visited the service center frequently投诉被收费过高).

21. that goes against the interest of people注定以失败告终).

2. if he had not turned a deaf ear to the doctor伤早就**了).

22. 1. the popular artist said she喜欢古典**胜过流行**).

2. the market share of ddf company___占了总市场份额的五分之二)in our country so far.

23. 1据报道将实施新规定)by 2012.

2. this is the very trade fair___我们应该好好利用)。

24. 1. although her life, this woman applies herself to帮助她女儿**).

2. it needs the whole team's efforts按原计划实施这项工程).

25. week in his class, professor lee said that月亮绕着地球转).

2每次他错过火车),he would go to the nearby bar for beer.

26. realized her dream of becoming a writer eventually在历尽艰辛之后).

a lot of assignments in hand, you不该出席昨晚的闭幕式).

27. 1. many college graduates find it difficult to get an ideal job today即使他们有学士学位).

2与你对公司的贡献相比),what i h**e done was unworthy of mentioning.

28. experts recommend that不应太强调语法的重要性)at the early stage of children's language learning.

supper she would sit down by the fire有时长达一小时).


大学英语四级翻译模拟试题。test 1 1.the soldier被指控逃跑 when the enemy attacked.2.had he worked harder他就会通过考试 3.in the 88 of smokers had started before they were 18尽管他...


1.though a skilled worker,他被公司解雇了 last week because of the economic crisis.2.he was disabled from birth,but he never felt frustrated,也从未屈服于任何困难 3.the ...


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