
发布 2021-05-22 05:42:28 阅读 6941

6a unit 5 on the farm(1)


教学目标:1、四会单词:taste, milk, pull up, did, last及其动词的过去式。

2、三会单词:farm, carrot, cow, pick.

3、四会句型:what did you do? what else did you do? i/we….





1.free talk:is everyone here?

what day is it today?

what date is it today?

what do you usually do on sundays?

2.复习unit 3中的was/were的用法:what day was it yesterday?

what date was it yesterday?

where were you a moment ago?等。

3.快速组词,老师说动词(watch, play, collect, cook等)学生组词,因为这些词和词组下面要用到。

二、presentation and practice

1.老师说many people were on a farm last week.(引出farm,


year, last sunday等). they did a lot of interesting things (教did)。now let’s ask them。

2.课前已经剪下各种动作并标有人名,因此老师示范:what did you do last week, mrs black? i cooked nice food.

并把cook这幅图贴在黑板上,板书what did you do last week, i cooked nice food.领读并操练。

3.接下来请同学试着回答,比如:what did you do, li ming? i collected

eggs,并贴**。同法引出其他的**及现答词和词组,最后就出现了a beautiful farm.注意在教millked cows, watered flowers.

其中的milk, water作动词。类似的以前也学过。教picked orangers, tasted oranges, pull up carrots,注意taste, carrot的发音,并可以用pick, taste组词,比如pick

apples, taste juice等,并板书(有意识地把ed发相同音的写在一起),water-watered, pull-pulled, pick-picked, milk-milked, collect-collected,



5.打开书,用**车的形式回答。what did you do last week? i/we…

6.同桌操练,比如:what did you do yesterday? iwatched cartoons.

再问what else did you do? i played basketball.



1.师生,生生操练句型what did you do last week? i/we….

what else did you do ? i/we…


3.调查3位好朋友what did you do last sunday?并作好记录。


2.熟练运用what did you do ? i/we…句型。


unit5 on the farm(2)

教学内容:unit5 (a部分)

教学目标:1.四会单词:holiday, last, early, meet, before, did, taste, pull up, milk, cook以及其中动词的过去式。

2.三会单词:a farm, a carrot, fun, national day, a film ,a cow, pick,


3.四会句型:what (else) did you do……?we/i ……

4.日常交际用语:did you like the film? it was a funny cartoon. we all

like it very much. were there any fruit trees on the farm? there were

apple trees, orange trees and pear trees.





1.老师说动词原形,学生说过去式,如cook-cooked, collect-collect等。

2. grow sentences.(老师引导)比如:collected → collected eggs →su hai

collected eggs on a farm. →su hai collected eggs on a farm last sunday.

老师再问:how about you? what did you do last sunday?

what else did you do?接着替换词yesterday等,进行师生操练,生生操练。

3.老师问:did you visit a farm last national day? 引出national

day,并解释,接下来问when’s national day? ss: it’s on the first of october.

老师再说we h**e seven days’ holiday.引出holiday并教读,再引出the national day holiday,强调holiday的读音,并操练on holiday, after the holiday, before the holiday,引出before,操练before class等。

4. 出示挂图,请学生介绍人物,再由老师结合**介绍背景。

5. listen并了解大意,回答问题。

what did nancy do? she watched a film with her parents.

what did helen do? she went to the farm.

紧接着上面的问题问:what did helen do on the farm? let’s guess.


在老师引导下,学生说词组pull up carrots, milk cows, collect eggs等,边说边填以上**。

6. 再次听录音,完全完成以上**。

7. 老师总结,返回事先准备在小黑板上写好的根据课文内容完成缺词填空。学生说,老师写。

last week was the national day holiday. nancy

with her parents. helenwith her family. on

monday, theyandon tuesday, they

cowsandthat was fun!

8. 齐读以上短文并引出that was fun!

t: i think helen was very happy on the farm. that was fun! it’s


t: do you want to go to the farm?

s: yes, we want to go to the farm.


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原 牛津小学英语6a5 7知识点。2008 11 16 22 13 00 by syxumin unit 5 on the farm三 句子。is the first day of school after the holiday.今天是节后上学的第一天。2.what did you do last...


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