
发布 2021-05-22 05:43:28 阅读 8610

unit 6

短语 1.be in trouble 在困境中。

2.towards evening 临近黄昏时分。

3. land on 降落于……之。

4.bring down 降落,降低。

5.go through 穿过;经受。

6. look like 看起来像……

7.give a roar 大吼一声。

8.get in 到达。

9.name sb 给某人取名。

10.pant of ……的一部分。

peace 和平地。

12.in pieces 破碎地。


1. the glasses werepieces after i dropped them on the floor.

2. the writer livedpeace in her wooden house by the lake.

3. it took us four days to gothe thick forest.

4. human beings first landedthe moon nearly forty years ago.

5. the train goton time.

6. the pilot brought the planein a field.


1. 这座山峰看起来像一个少女优雅地站着,所以人们为这座山峰取名为玉女峰。

this peaka girl standing gracefully, so peoplethis peak jade maiden peak.

2. 临近黄昏的时候爸爸下班回家了。

father got home from work.

3. 他们听见老虎大吼一声,非常害怕。

they heard the tigerand were very afraid.


as we all know, hong kong ischina.


heagain. this time he broke a window.

二) 1.in space 在太空。

2.in the future 在将来。

3.be able to do 能够做。

4.be lost 迷路;丢失。

5.in a moment -会儿。

6.be gone 消失了;过去了。

7 .instead of 代替:而不是。

8.from now on 从现在起。

9,get sick 生病。

10.come true 实现。

ii. rather than 而不是。

12. run out of 耗尽,用完。

13.agree with sb. 同意某人的意见或看法。

14,go camping 去露营。


) 1. i think people here are friendly. do youme?

a.get on with b.agree with c.laugh at d.play with

) 2. i'm sorry i can't see you immediately, but if you’d like to take a seati’ll be with you

a. for a momentb. at the moment

c. for the momentd. in a moment

) 3. now there are hundreds of satellites

a.in space b. in the space c. on the space d.on space

) 4. as physics is too hard, i study it.

a. am not able ~,coul-dn- t c. am not able to d d.can


1. 天气转冷了,我们必须注意身体,否则会容易生病。

it is getting colder. we h**e to take care, or we willeasily.

2. 我们的老师经常说如果我们从现在起努力学习,我们的梦想将在未来实现。

our teacher often says that if we study hardour dream will


would you like towith me this weekend?


the explorers are going back because they almostfood.


when i came back, i found my bicycle

6. 昨晚,史密斯先生迷路了,找不到旅馆。

mr smithand couldn't find his hotel last night.

7. 我给他建议,而不是金钱。

i g**e him advicemoney.

8. 我决定写信而不是打**。

i decided to writetelephone.


1. behind them was a huge monster. 它们后面是一个巨大的怪物,解读:


eg: from the window came the sound of music.

the sound of music came from the window.


2. can they speak our language? will i be able to understand them?


解读: can和be able to在表示“能力”这一点上是同义的。

例如:she can dance well. =she is able to dance well.但can只有过去时could,而be able to则有更多的时态形式。

eg: no one could / was able to find the lost ring.


will you be able to / can you win the game?


用于否定结构 be able to表达某一时的情况,而can则表达往常情况。

试比较:he is not able to swim today,他今天不能游泳。

he can't swim at all.


巩固练习] 根据汉语意思完成句子。

1. 在左边的就是图书馆。

is2 小村里住着一个老人。


my grandmawithout glasses when she was seventy.


ibefore i left middle school.


miss lito our party tomorrow?

3. towards是—个介词,在不不同的环境中有不同的含义,同学们先来回顾一下这两个句子,思考它的不同用法,请留意划线部分。

1) towards evening, we landed on an unknown planet.

2) peters turned towards me,and his voice shook

第一句中的towards,后面跟一个表示时间的名词或短语,表示“接近、将近(某一个时间)”所以句中“towards evening”的意思是“临近晚上的时候”


unit 1 短语 1 at the top right comer 在右上角。2 play chess 下棋。3,live with sb.和某人住在一起。4 work as.担任 工作。5 at school 在学校。6 in the middle 在中间。7 best wishes 最美好的祝...


教学重点 书面写作技巧 人物介绍难点突破 语言组织与表达。知识目标 通过写作技巧指导,让学生提高整体写作能力教学步骤设计 一 写作方法。一 如何进行人物介绍和能力描述。人物介绍包括自我介绍和对他人进行介绍。在进行介绍时,可从姓名 年龄 年级 班级 工作 籍贯 爱好 朋友等多方面进行表述,常用的句型有...


unit 7 一 短语部分 1.lie down 躺下。2 fall asleep 入睡 3.escape from 从 某地 逃走。4 moments later 过了一会。5 be out of 脱离,离开。6 aim at 对准 瞄准 7 go out 熄灭。8 put out 广播 发布。巩...