
发布 2021-05-20 16:28:28 阅读 2737

unit 1 will people h**e robots?



比较级fewer: 更少的最高级fewest: 不多的 +可数名词复数。


比较级less: 更少的最高级least:最少的;最小的 +不可数名词。

many/ much 很多的。

比较级more更多的最高级most最多的 +可数名词复数/ 不可数名词。

fewer trees 更少的树 less water 更少的水。

more trees/ water 更多的树/水。

2. alone adj. 单独的;独自的 = by oneself

lonely adj. 寂寞的;荒凉的。

live alone 独自住 go alone 单独去

a lonely island 一个荒岛。


the old manbut he doesn't

3. such adj. 这样的

1)such +adj.+n.复数/不可数+that从句 :这样的。以致。

注:当adj.为many、much、few、little 时,即使之后有名词,只能用so)

2) such+a/an+adj.+n.单数=so+adj.+a/an+n.单数。

so adj. 这样的

so +adj.+that 从句=too+adj.+to do sth. =not +adj.反义词+enough to do sth.



this is such an interesting movie that everyone wants to watch it.

this is so interesting a movie that everyone wants to watch it.

we h**e such good friends that we are happy.

we h**e so many friends that we are happy.

4. 穿:wear 、put on、dress 、be in

(1) wear +sth. :穿着/戴着某物 (表状态)

(2) put on +sth.:穿上某物 (表动作)

(3) dress +sb: 给某人穿衣服 dress oneself :某人自己穿衣服。

(4) (be) in +颜色:穿着。颜色的衣服。

随时练。look at the boy __blue! he is tom. he is only four years old, but he can __himself.

it's very cold outside. pleaseyour coat.

5. 声音 :sound、voice 、noise

(1) sound:一切可以听到的声音,如水声、鸟声。

(2) voice:(人的)嗓音

(3) noise: 噪音 make noise :发出噪音 --noisy:adj. 喧闹的。

随时练。1) please stopi'm reading.

(2) her __is very sweet.

(3) can you hear the __of the running water?

6. 听: listen、listen to、hear、 sound

(1) listen:听;强调听的动作,暗示句子用现在进行时。

(2) listen to : 听。强调听的内容。

(3) hear : 听见;强调听的结果。

(4) sound 听起来 look 看起来 smell 闻起来

taste偿起来,系动词,之后直接接形容词;sound like 听起来像……+名词。

随时练。(1someone is singing. can you __

(2) pleasethe teacher __care) in class.

3) the song __sweet.

注意:hear sb do sth. 听见某人做了某事 hear sb doing sth.听见某人在做某事

随时练。when the teacher came in , he heard tom __sing).

7. can 能、会、可以

过去式could ; 表推测为“不可能”时,用can't

be able to do sth. 能、会 (有各种时态)


heat the age of three.

hewhen he __three.

(2)tom __be at home, because i see him go to the movie.

8. seem看起来;好像;似乎

1) seem + to be ) n./ adj. 好像是……

2) seem to do sth好像做某事

3) it seems that/ as if ..好像……;看起来……

4) there seems to be + n. 好像有……

随时练。1) 他好像是个老师。

he seemsa teacher. =it __that he __a teacher.

2) 他好像知道这件事。he seemsthe thing.

itthat he __the thing.

9. hundred (百)、thousand (千)、million (百万)、billion (十亿)

1)确定数目(即基数词) +名词复数:……百/ 千/ 百万/ 十亿 ……



2) 确定数目(即基数词) +of+the+名词复数:

…中的……百/ 千/ 百万/ 十亿个


3)~s +of + 名词复数


10. bore v. 使。厌烦。

boring adj. 无聊的 bored adj. 厌烦的 (类似的interest、relax、excite等)

随时练。english classes are __so we all get __

11. happen v. 发生

1)sth. happened to sb. 某人发生了某事。

what happened to sb? 某人发生了什么事?

2)sb. happened to do sth. 某人偶然做了某事。

随时练。昨天tom 发生了什么事? 他发生了一场车祸。

tom? a car accidenthim.


ian old friend of mine yesterday.

12. *****

1) 不可数名词 ,意为“纸”

2) 可数名词,意为“试卷”

随时练。eg. 一张纸四张纸。


13. fall

1) v.跌,掉过去式:fell


掉入倒下。3) n. 秋天= autumn; 瀑布 (常用复数)

14. keep

1) 保持

keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直做某事。

keep the classroom clean 保持教室清洁。

这本书你可以借两天。 you can __the book for two days.

2) 喂养

keep a pet parrot 养一只宠物鹦鹉。

15. no one = nobody 没有人回答who 引导的问句。

none 没有人/ 物回答how many/ much引导的问句。

随时练。1)——who is in the room

(2)——how many students in the room

16. predict v.** prediction n. **。

随时练。预言未来可能很难the futuredifficult.

17. build v. 修建

building n.建筑物 builder n. 建筑者


manymany tall

18. agree v. 同意反义:disagree

1)agree with+sb/ one's idea/ what sb said

表示同意某人或某人的意见、想法、分析、解释等 (即持同一观点):

i don’t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。


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