
发布 2021-05-08 17:19:28 阅读 5341


it可替代动植物与无生命的东西,它与one的区别在于one= a/an + none; it = the + n。

1. -where is my pencil case? -isn’t it in your backpack?

2. -i h**e a motorbike. it (=the motorbike) was bought three years ago.

3. as this chair is broken, i must h**e it (=the chair) repaired.

4. my father bought a pen and g**e it (=the pen) to me.

5. you can not eat your cake and h**e it. 世事难两全。

试比较:6. i h**e no dictionary, so i want to buy one. (one = a dictionary)

7. i h**e a dictionary, it is over there. (it = the dictionary)



8. -who is there w**ing to you? -it’s my friend tom.

9. -who is crying in the room? -it’s my brother jack.

10. -who is knocking at the door? -it must be kate, my classmate.

11. -who is the girl in the photo on the wall? -it’s my sister.

12. -who is it? -it’s me. (有人敲门)

13. -someone is ringing the doorbell. go and see who it is. (敲门)

14. -oh, by the way, there is a telephone call for you. -who was it? (打**)

15. -who is ****** so much noise? -it must be the children.

16. there is a person knocking at the door. who can it be?

17. just at that time, in came a girl. it was mark’s sister.

18. there is a young lady at the door. it is his daughter.

19. what a beautiful baby! is it a boy?

20. a baby is lying in the cradle. it was born two months ago.

21. the baby cry because it is hungry.

22. the baby has got its first tooth.


23. there is a lady at the door. she wants to see you.


24. this is my friend, jim.

三、指代前述内容, 或者是文中的内容。

25. beauty is everywhere. it makes us happy.

26. there is a football match tonight. it starts at six o’clock in the evening.

27. if you remember these points, it will help you.

28. when we die for our motherland or the people, it is a worthy death.

29. you h**e helped me a lot. i shall never forget it.

30. yang liwei was the first chinese to be sent up into space. it made the chinese proud.

31. his mother is fifty-seven, but she doesn’t look it.

32. mr. wang was ill. h**e you heard it?

33. -thank you for your help? -don’t mention it.

34. although we can’t see it, there is air all around us.

35. it would be wonderful if you could come to help us.


36. -what time is it by your watch? -it’s ten minutes past two.

37. -what day is it today? -it’s friday.

38. -what’s the date today? -it’s may 1st.

39. it’s early spring, but it’s still very cold.

make it + 时间把时间定在……;约定……

40. let’s make it eight o’clock.

41. let's make it three o'clock sharp.我们约定3点整吧。

it’s time (for sb.) to do sth.

42. it’s time to h**e supper. =it’s time for supper.

53. it’s time to take a walk.

44. it is time for us to set out.

45. it is time for you to go to bed.

it’s time for sth.

46. it’s time for class. (口语中可省略为time for class.)

47. it’s time for lunch. (口语中可省略为time for lunch.)

48. it’s time for a break. (口语中可省略为time for break.)

49. it’s time for a rest. (口语中可省略为time for rest.)

50. it’s time for dinner. (口语中可省略为time for dinner.)

it’s high/about time + did/should… (虚拟语气)

51. it’s high time you left.

52. it’s about time we should work hard at our lessons.

it’ is/has been + 时间 + since……

53. it’s twenty years since she left me.

54. it has been 20 years since i left here.

55. i heard it had been 20 years since they departed from each other.

it was/will be + 时间名词 + before 从句 “在多长时间后才发生某事”

56. it was twenty years before they met again.

57. it won’t be long before you recover.

58. it will be two years before i come here again.


59. it’s very cold in winter in harbin.

60. it’s five degree below zero.

61. it will be windy tomorrow.

62. it will snow he**ily tomorrow.

63. the volleyball match will be put off if it rains.

64. it was snowing he**ily when he went out.

65. -what’s the weather like in beijing? -it’s cloudy.


66. it’s just two stops to the park. 到公园只有两站路。

67. it’s about ten kilometers from my home to my school.

68. it’s about ten minutes’ walk from here to the zoo.

69. it is 90 dollars in price.

70. it’s 200 mph in velocity. 速度是每小时200英里。

it is + 数词 + meters/miles/kilometers long/wide.

71. it’s three kilometers long for from east to the west.

72. it’s 200 meters wide from this side to that side.


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