
发布 2021-04-30 03:00:28 阅读 3427










教案模板。一、 写作

teaching aims(教学目标):

1) knowledge ~ 2) ability~ (3) emotional~

teaching key and difficult points:

teaching procedures(教学过程):

step1 warming up and lead-in(time)

step2 pre-writing(time)

step3 while-writing(time)

1) drafting起草 (2)editing校订修改

step4 post-writing(选两个样例到屏幕进行讲解) (time)

step5 summary and homework(time)

teaching reflection

二、 听说

teaching aims(教学目标):

(1) knowledge ~ students can learn some new words and expressions….

2) ability~ students can improve their listening and speaking skills.


teaching key and difficult points:

how to make students improve their listening and speaking skills. teaching procedures(教学过程):

step1 pre-listening(time) ask students some questions.

step2 while-listening(time)

1) listen to the tape and fill in the blank.

2) listen again and finish some questions.

step3 post-listening(time)

(1) show the tape scripts on the ppt.

(2) group discussion: talk about your friends.

step5 summary and homework(time)

teaching reflection

三、 读写

teaching aims(教学目标):

1)knowledge ~

students can understand the main ideal and master the skills to describe…


students can write their own ideals about…and their ability of reading a passage will be well developed.

2) emotional~

students can share their experience with others.

teaching key and difficult points:

students can write down their own methods of… in detail.

teaching procedures(教学过程):

step1 warming up and lead-in(time) greeting.

talk sth about the passage.

step2 reading and listening(time)

read and answer some questions. then listen to the tape to check the answers.

step3 pre-writing(time)

ask students to: think—select the useful information—write down

step4 while-writing(time)

ask students to write down the outline—provide some expressions—give time students to write the passage on *****.

step5 post-writing(选两个样例到屏幕进行讲解) (time)

step6 summary and homework(time)

summary: ask students to retell what they’ve learnt in this class.

homework: ask students to write a composition about….

teaching reflection

四、 听力

teaching aims(教学目标):

1) knowledge ~

students can recognize the new words”…”and understand the meaning of the sentence patterns(句型)”…

2) ability~

students will improve the skills of listening.


teaching key and difficult points:

students can use the new words and sentence patterns to ask about…

teaching procedures(教学过程):

step1 pre-listening(time)

use ppt to teach new words and explain them.

step2 while-listening(time)

firstly: play the tape, then ask 2 students to summarize the main ideal of the conversation.

secondly: listen again and fill in the blank.

thirdly: listen and ask students to repeat each sentence in turn.

step3 post-listening(time)

role play: the teacher ask students to do a role play in groups. they should act out the dialogue clearly and correctly.

step4 summary and homework(time)

finish the listening practice on text book after class.

teaching reflection

五、 阅读

teaching aims(教学目标):

1) knowledge ~

students can learn some important new words and expressions ,students can understand the passage in detail.

2) ability~

students can use some important new words and expressions correctly.

students can find out the main ideal and the specific information of this passage quickly.


teaching key and difficult points:

students learn to use reading skills such as skimming and scanning. teaching procedures(教学过程):

step1 pre-reading(time)

show some pictures and teach some new words.

step2 while-reading(time)

(1) fast reading and find out the main ideal.

(2) scanning for specific information.

3) careful reading and judge the following sentences true or false:…

step3 post-reading(time)

ask students to talk about…in groups and choose some to share with the class.


1 阅读课 2 语音课 要求 给一段小短文,要求朗读该短文,并针对里面的长句进行连读,重读的教学。结合所教内容板书 3 听力课 要求 给一段小短文,要求朗读短文,设计听前活动 或听力理解过程 或听后口头表达活动并适当板书。4 口头表达课 要求 给一段对话,设计口头表达活动并适当板书 5 写作课 要求...


第一部分 词汇选项 15分 一 词汇表词汇 教材原题 1 所考词汇和答案未变,而词汇所在的语境或上下文 context 会不同于教材 词汇表。2 凡是划线词或短语来自教材 词汇表中,答案一律以教材 词汇表中所给答案为准。划线词和答案词经常调换来考。3 若划线词或短语来自教材 词汇表中,而4个答案选项...


授课日期2018 9 课题教学目标。lesson 3 总课时数第3课时课型。new1.知识与能力 能够读懂介绍中国某几个城市的小短文。2.过程与方法 能够就所读短文内容与他人展开对话交流。3.情感态度与价值观 能够仿照阅读文段,并按相应提示或要求独立书写几个意义连贯的句子。教学重点教学难点教学准备。...