
发布 2021-04-17 13:00:28 阅读 2690

i.动词时态verb tenses

动词时态一:一般现在时(提示:当主语是单三时务必使用动词的单三形式) am, is, are) a teacher at no.

2 middle has) classes in the gets) up at half past six every always __come, comes ) to school on __study, studies) very hard at his and two __be, is, are) three.

and yellow __make, makes) green.

earth __move, moves) round the sun.

will go there if i __be, will be, am, is, are) free tomorrow.

will go there when i __h**e, will h**e, has) time tomorrow.

won’t come to the party unless he __be, will be, am, is, are) invited.

wait here until my mother __come, comes, will come) back.

reading you __see, sees, will see) him, you will never forget him.

时间状语:--never/seldom/sometimes/often/usually/always/now/every morning/once a month---动词时态二:一般过去时(提示:


was,were, been) here a moment __be, was, were, been) here just now.

scientists __le**e, le**es, le**ed, left) for america week we __visit, visited ) the science i was a child, i often __play, played) football.

students ran out of the classroom as soon as the bell __ring, rang, rung).

时间状语:--yesterday/yesterdaymorning/thedaybeforeyesterday/lastweek/lastmonth/lastyear/three years ago/a few days earlier/the other day(=a few days ago)/in 1999/after three months/two days later/at that time/ just now/ in the past/ in those days/one day/ once / at one time---动词时态三:现在进行时(am/is/are +v-ing)

___write, am writing, is writing, are writing) a letter now.

it __begin, is beginning, am beginning, are beginning) to rain.

___study, is studying, am studying, are studying) medicine at the medical institute ofchengde these days.

___teach, am teaching, is teaching, are teaching) an english lesson at this time.时间状语:--now/these days/ at present/ at this time---提示动词look/ listen---动词时态四:

过去进行时(was/were+ v-ing)

___cook, cooked, was cooking, were cooking) breakfast when you __you___do, did, was...doing, were…doing) at this time yesterday evening? are h**ing, had, were h**ing) dinner when the doorbell rang.

when/ as we___h**e, had, are h**ing, were h**ing) dinner, the doorbell rang.



动词时态五:一般将来时(六种表达形式)①shall/ will +v.②be going to +v.

主观打算等③be to + v.客观安排等④be about to +v.⑤be + v-ing (-come, go, le**e, arrive, start, stay, return-)⑥v-/ v-s(-es)(表示按时间表发生的将来的动作)(-start, begin, arrive, end, close, le**e---29.

i __le**e, shall/ will le**e) for ji’nan tomorrow.

can tell me what __will happen, is going to happen) in the future? smith __will help, shall help) you if you h**e any problem.

going to be, will be) wednesday the day after tomorrow.

musician __is going to give, are going to give, am going to give) a concert next there __be, is going to be, are going to be) a rain soon.

___meet, will be to meet, are to meet, am to meet) at the airport this afternoon.

concert___take, is to take, are to take, will be to take) place in the music hall tomorrowafternoon.

concert___hold,istohold,is tobeheld, willtobeheld)inthemusichalltomorrowevening.

and gentlemen, the plane __take, is about to take, are about to take, is soon about totake) fasten your safety belts.

___start, are going to start, are starting) for shanghai train/ concert/ show/film __start, starts) at six tomorrow.

时间状语:--tomorrow/tomorrowmorning/thedayaftertomorrow/(how)soon/beforelong/byand by/ in an hour/ in five minutes’time/ five minutes later/ this afternoon/ next saturday(week,month, year)/in future/ in the future/ sometime in the future/ some day( one day)--动词时态六:过去将来时。

told my friend that i __should/ would arrive, shall/ will arrive) soon.

looked at those clouds over the sky. it___is going to rain, was going to rain). said that they __are to meet, were to meet) at the gate the next __are about to go, were about to go) out when it started to rain.

时间状语:--soon/the next day---that-clause(名词性从句或上下文中---动词时态七:现在完成时(h**e /has +过去分词)

cleaned, has cleaned) the room already.(暗示the room is clean now.) h**e been , has been ) to the summer palace many times.

( 暗示he is back now.) h**e just gone, has just gone) to the library. (暗示she isn’t here now.

)i moved here 20 years ago.= it is / has been 20 years since i moved changes __h**e taken, has taken) place in china in the past 20 years.= there __has been, h**e been ) great changes in china in the past 20 years.


--1)already/(not)yet/before/recently=lately2)ever/never/once/twice/manytimes3)now/just/today/this morning 4)for…/since…/so far/ by now=up till now 5)in/for/during the past(last)few years---动词时态八:过去完成时(had+过去分词)(特征:表示“过去的过去”) h**e read, had read) 500 stories by the end of last said that they __h**e arrived, had arrived) an hour /when he __has done, had done) his job, he went to waited till he __has finished, had finished) his work.

i got there, he __has been, had been) away for half an hour.

went back to the classroom because i __h**e left, had left) my dictionary there.时间状语:--by the end of last…--that-clause名从,after,before,when,because状从。


动词的时态。在英语中,由于谓语动作发生的时间不同,或表达不同时间存在的状态,谓语动词都要发生相应的变化。这些动词的形式就叫做动词的时态。英语动词的时态共有16种,列表如下 以动词write为例 被动语态的构成。被动语态由助动词be加过去分词构成,时态通过be表现出来。构成被动语态的一般疑问句时,须将...




一 现在完成时考点。现在完成时主要有两种用法,即持续性用法 或叫未完成用法 和影响性用法 或叫已完成用法 持续性用法表示动作发生于过去,但在过去并未完成,而是从过去一直持续到现在,此时多半会连用表示持续性的时间状语 后者指的是动作发生于过去,且在过去已经完成,但这个过去发生的动作对现在有影响,而说话...