
发布 2020-01-02 17:52:28 阅读 4304


+sthdoingbeing done

now that i am free, i can enjoy music for a while. 既然有空,我可以享受一下**。

how did you enjoy the concert? 你喜欢那场**会吗?

i enjoy .v. experienced adj.

muchrichpoorlittle experience(u) 经验 an unforgettable experience(c) 一次难忘的经历。

jumping out of an airplane at a exciting experience.

be experienced inat sthdoing. 擅长、在…方面有经验。

vt. experience sthsetbacks( 挫折) earthquake a flooda storm…

vt. 赚、获得、挣得earnings 所得。

earn some moneya livingone’s livingone’s respect

earn respect from sb. earn one’s respect

4. respect nv..

showenergycareoneself…to sthdoing sth将…奉献于…

he started to study ecology and decided to devote to devote more care to . n. devoted adj.

sb. be devoted to sthdoing

he devoted all soldierwifeworker….尽心尽力的母亲孝顺的儿子。


devotion to dutyone’s workone’s country…忠于职守热衷于工作忠诚于国。

he __adj.

on(thean) **erage 平均地。

he **erage.

the **erage of平均数 the **erage of 10 and 8 is 9.

an **erage an **erage of 5students in each class will attend the meeting.

**erage peopleworkersteachers 普通的人工人老师。

(farwell) abovebelow **erage(远远)高于低于平均数。

to do sthi struggled to get free. 我争取自由。

she struggled to get away from talked so loudly at dinner table that i 打斗; 格斗; 搏斗; 战斗; 斗争:

a fierce struggle between two wrestlers 两名摔交运动员之间的激烈搏斗

a power struggle 权力斗争 the class struggle 阶级斗争

we will not surrender without a struggle. 我们绝不会不战而降。

努力; 奋斗( 通常作单数):

after a long struggle, she gained control of the business. 她经过长期的努力, 在业务上已能应付自如。

8. challenge nv. challenging adj. 有挑战性的 a challenging job

it’s challenging to learn several

this is a job full of challenges.

challenge 挑战某人,挑战自己。

sb to do sth encourage sbsthdoing sth encouragement n.

encouraging adj. 令人鼓舞的 encouraging words, news, signs ,speeches

this year's sales figures are very encouraging. 今年的销售额很令人鼓舞。

sb be encouraged by受…鼓舞。

committee shall encourage the use of international standards.

peter, my english teacher, never fails to encourage us to study [u] 鼓励; 支持; 激励; 促进: shouts of encouragement 鼓劲的呼声。

c] thing that encourages 鼓励﹑ 支持或促进的事物: the teacher's words were a great encouragement to doing (being done) 免于免受。

freed free )

washfree adj. 免洗的。

free … from doing 使…免于…

the robot . 自由,免除 freedom to express oneself freedom from worries无忧无虑。

he is always longing for freedom from worries.

但: the statue of liberty 自由女神像)

11. extra 额外的,外加的 do extra work 加班 getreceive extra pay extra time 加时。

fond of sbsthdoingbeing done 喜爱, 爱好。

we’re fond of light music. 他喜欢轻**。

he was fond of drawing when (upon) 回顾, 回忆起(reflect onupon)recall

she often looks back on .她常心满意足地回顾自己的经历。

i like to look back on my my life.我喜欢回顾我的中学时代,那是我生命中最快乐的时光。

15. satisfy v. satisfied 人adj. satisfactory adj. satisfaction n.

①sth satisfy appetite解馋desirethirstone’s needrequirement满足…

i the reasons to satisfy . 我对现状根本不满意。

sth be satisfactorysatisfying adj.令人满意的。

we sampled the products and found it satisfactory. 我们抽验了这些产品,认为满意。

the effect of the medicine is satisfactory. 这药的药效令人满意。

his general state of to the satisfaction of令…满意的是…

looking at a beautiful painting always gives one satisfaction.观赏美丽的图画使人心满意足。

your satisfaction is guaranteed. 包你满意。

the question could not be solved, at least not to my satisfaction.

with satisfaction 满意地 he looked at us ,nodding with satisfaction.

v.交换, 兑换 n.交换, 交易所, 兑换,交火 the stock exchange**交易所。

exchange a for b he exchanged the black jacket for a blue one.

where can i exchange my dollars for pounds?

we exchanged our opinions about the event at the meeting. 在会上,我们就此事交换了意见。

he g**e me an apple in exchange for an orange. 他给我一个苹果,交换一个橙子。

i've offered to paint the kitchen in exchange for a week's accommodation.

a soldier was wounded in the exchange. 一名士兵在交火中受伤。

exchange with sb.和…交换 exchange presents with friends

n毕业生。v 毕业(graduate fromgraduation n.

uponon one’s graduation…,某人一毕业 uponon , n. 捐赠, 捐助 donor n. 捐赠人。


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高三英语复习教案 介词与介词短语复习教案

摘要 教案是整个课程的大纲,使得学生更有逻辑的调理的理解其讲。案 介词与介词短语复习教案 祝您浏览愉快。本文题目 高三英语复习教案 介词与介词短语复习教案。备考策略 一 介词和介词短语。介词是一种虚词,不能单独作句子成分,必须与名词或代词 相当于名词的。其他词类短语或从句 构成介词短语,才能在句中充...