
发布 2021-03-08 10:39:28 阅读 4356

参加人员初三英语组主备人李艳领导签字备课内容unit2备课时间mar 22讨论时间mar23一:教材分析。



一)学习目标(language goal)

1. talk about how to study .学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。

2. find out your suitable learning methods.找出适合自己的学习方法。(二)语言结构(language structures)

1. verb + by with gerund by+动名词短语表示"通过。途径,方法"2.

how questions h**e引导的特殊疑问句(三)目标语言(target language)

1. how do you study for tests ?你是怎样准备考试的?

well , i study by working with my classmates.哦,我和同学们一起学习。

2. h**e you ever studied with a group ?


yes , i h**e . i've learned a lot that way .是的,参加过。通过这种方式我学了许多。

3. i don't h**e a partner to practice english with .我没有同伴可以练习英语。

maybe you should join an english club.


4. what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ?大声朗读来练习发音怎么样?

why don't you join an english language club ?你为什么不参加一个英语俱乐部呢?三:教学重点。

重点词组](key phrases) unit2key words and phrases(重点词汇)1. flashcard n.抽认卡2.

frustrating a.令人沮丧的3. memorize v.

记忆,背诵4. aloud adv.出声地、高声地5.

comma n.逗号。

6. pronunciation n.发音7. solution n.解决办法。

8. not at all根本(不)全然(不)9. end up结束,告。终10. make mistakes犯错11. later on以后;随后。

12. be afraid to害怕去做13. laugh at sb.笑话;取笑(某人)14. take notes做笔记,做记录。

15. enjoy doing sth .喜欢做。乐意做。16. native speaker说本族语的人17. make up组成、构成。


1. how do you study for tests ?

well , i study by working with my classmates.2. h**e you ever studied with a group ?

yes , i h**e . i've learned a lot that way .3.

i don't h**e a partner to practice english with .maybe you should join an english club.

4. what about reading aloud to practice pronunciation ?why don't you join an english language club ?


教学难点。(key points and difficulties)

1. by介词,表示"通过。方法或途径"的意思,译成"靠、通过"by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。

eg.(1)the house was destroyed by fire.房屋被火烧毁了。

(2)tr**el by air(land , sea)航空(陆路、航海)旅行。(3)go by train(boat , bus)乘火车(船,公共汽车)去(4)shake sb by the hand和某人握手。

5)i study english by watching english movies.我通过看英文电影学英语。


eg. there is a power station by the river.河边有一个电厂。

(2)沿着、经由eg. come by the highway由公路来(3)由于eg. by mistake由于差错。

4)被、由eg. some articles written by luxun.一些由鲁迅写的文章(5)(表示面积)eg.

a room 5m,by4m一间长五米宽四米的房间(6)逐批eg. one by one一个接一个(7)表示方法、途径如上五:活动设计。

3a in section a疑难解释。

1. eg. he asked his mother to buy him a new bicycle.他请求他母亲给他买一辆新自行车。

2. many said they learnt by using english .许多(学生)说他们通过使用英语来学习。

many在这里是代词,而不是形容词,意为many is a large number of something.

例如:we can put away many of these plates . we don't need thismany.


3. eg. i felt frustrated at that time.那时,我觉得很沮丧。4. not at all根本不,全然不。

eg. my brother did not like the scarf at 经常可以和助动词结合在一起,at all则放在句尾。

5. get excited变得兴奋起来get是系动词,有"逐渐变得"的含义。 get +adj

eg. get mad生气。

get clear变得清楚了。

the long journey got the children all tired.长途旅行使得孩子们疲惫不堪。

6. end up doing sth终止做某事,结束做某事后面加动名词短语相当于finish doing sth .

但要注意与stop doing sth的区别。

eg. we had to stop singing because somebody knocked at the door.另外,end up with ..


the party ended up with her singing.晚会以她的歌唱而告终。7.



eg.(1)i think that doing lots of listening practice is one ofthe secrets of learning.

doing ..为动名词短语,做从句中的主语,而listening做定语,修饰practice.(2)i'm enjoying learning english .


3)seeing is believing眼见为实(seeing做主语,believing做表语)(七)3a in section b疑难解析。

1. first of all , it wasn't easy for me to understand the teacher.首先,对我而言,听懂老师的话并不容易。

first of all首先。

it is (was) .for sb to do sth .在这个句型中,不定式做真正的主语,it是形式主语。2.一些词组。

laugh at sb嘲笑某人take notes记笔记。

enjoy doing sth乐意做某事be impressed深受感动的。



first of all首先to begin with一开始later on后来、随also也、而且(用于肯定句)either也(用于否定句)so因此then然后。

六:语法。1. "how"questions


eg. how do you do ?how are you ?

how's everything going ?(2)表示"怎样"

eg. how is your new house ?你的新房子怎么样?it's great.

它太棒了。how do you learn english ?


i learn english by reading lots of english magazines.我通过读大量英文杂志学习英文。




1)how is your summer holiday ? it is perfect.(表程度,表语)(2)how did you tr**el around the world ?

i tr**elled by bike.(表方式,状语)

3)what do you learn at school ?

i learn chinese , english , maths and other subjects.(学习的科目,做宾语)请诵读下面的目标句型:

how do you study english ?(运用特殊疑问句)i study by listening to cassetts.(听录音带)i study by studying with a group.

(和小组一起学习)by watching english programs on tv.(看英语电视节目)by enjoying english songs.(听英文歌)

by taking part in english classes after school .(上课外英语班)by getting an english tutor.(请英语家教)

by reading english magazines and news***** .(读英文杂志、报纸)by surfing the internet.(网上冲浪)by ****** flashcards.

(制作单词认读卡片)by reading the textbook.(读教科书)

by asking the teacher for help.(请教老师)by ****** vocabulary lists.(列单词表)by taking notes carefully .


by h**ing the english class carefully .(认真上课)by finishing my homework seriously .(认真完成作业)do you learn english by ..

用一般疑问句)yes , i do . no , i don't.

h**e you ever studied with a group ?(用完成时态)yes , i h**e . i've learned a lot that way.

what about listening to cassettes ?〔用what about+动名词提问〕i do that sometimes. i think it helps.



谈一谈自己学习的情况,包括你遇到的困难,你的解决方法以及未来的学习计划。50字左右(使用提供的目标语言)my english learning

a)people living in different countries made different kinds ofwords . today there are about fifteen hundred languages in the world. each contains many thousands of words .

a very large dictionary ,for example , contains four or five hundred thousand words . but wedo not need

all these . to read short stories you need to know only about twothousand words . before you le**e school , you will learn only onethousand or more .

the words you know are called your vocabulary . you should try tomake your vocabulary bigger . read as many books as you can .

thereare a lot of books written in easy english for

you to read . you will enjoy them . when you meet a new word , findit in your dictionary .

your dictionary is your most useful book .



unit2 第二课时。一 教学目标 1 学习剩余单词,继续巩固上节所学词汇及字母。2 对物品名称用英语进行提问和回答。3 听力训练。二 重难点 对物品名称用英语进行提问和回答。三 教学过程。一 教师导航,激发兴趣。展示 让学生看 拼单词,编对话。二 自学互助,合作 一 交流预习。预习并写单词spel...


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