
发布 2021-02-20 23:01:28 阅读 7632




1. -why do these photographs look so black?

-the film was not __in the right way.

a. washedb. developed c. printed d. worked


2. in preparing scientific reports of laboratory experiments, you should __your findings in logical order and clear language.

a. writeb. raisec. present d. put


3. helen always helps her mother even though going to school __most of her day.

a. takes upb. makes upc. s**es up d. puts up

答案a。本题考查动词词组的辨析。take up占据时间空间的意思,符合题意;make up组成的意思;s**e up意为节省下来;put up意为挂起来,搭建起来。

4. can you make a sentence to __the meaning of the phrase?

a. show off b. bring outc. turn out d. take in

答案b。bring out意为把意义明白表示出来;show off意为炫耀;turn out意为关掉,驱逐;take in意为把某人带进来,吸收。

5. henry works in the library now, but he __on a farm for three years.

a. workedb. has worked

c. had workedd. had been working


用一般过去时表示以前曾经做过的事,but表示转折,前后表示现在和过去的对比。同学们不能只看for three years,而要看整个句子的情境。

6.--will you lend me some *****?

--sorry, mine __

a. were used upb. ran out

c. has been run outd. has given out


run out和give out不能用被动语态。只有use up可以用被动语态,但语境需要的时态不是一般过去时,而是表示对现在有影响的现在完成时。


1. i’d __to his letter as soon as i received it, but the noise from the next door stopped me from doing so.

a. rather replyb.love to reply

c.like to h**e repliedd.h**e replied

答案c。情态动词加上h**e done表示对过去的推测或对过去的虚拟,“本该……却没有”,从题干可知,我本来想一收到信就写回信,但隔壁的声音使我没能这样做。

2. it’s said that there are plenty of hotels in that town. there __be any difficulty for you to find somewhere to stay.

a. wouldn’t b. shouldn’t c. mustn’t d. needn’t




1. if the building project __by the end of this month is delayed, the construction company will be fined.

a. is completedb. being completed

c. to be completedd. completed


2. we h**e got everything ready at once, with our guests __to come in ten minutes.

a. expected b. expecting c. are expecting d. to expect


3. being out of work, _

a. so he has a hard lifeb. he has a hard life

c. what a hard life he hasd. a hard life belongs to him


4. in order not to be found, i’ll spend the night __in your room.

a. lockingb. lockedc. to lock d. lock

答案b。i和lock之间构成被动关系,而不能用spend…(in) doing sth.。


1. it is __great pleasure to go to __cinema after a week’s hard work.

a. a; theb. the; ac. a; ad. the, the

答案a。 a great pleasure 表示“一件快乐的事”。不可数名词如:

danger / difficulty / disappointment / failure / help / success / wonder / pressure等前加不定冠词表示“一……的人或物”。

2. it’s quite obvious that the aging population in china will cause __he**y pressure on __whole society in the future.

a. a; ab. thec. a; thed. /the

答案c。3. tom used to be a teacher till he turned __policeman who caught a robber by __arm.

a. /theb. a; hisc. the; and. /

答案a。这一题第一空考查的是零冠词的用法。turn跟名词,前面不加不定冠词;第二空考查定冠词的用法catch sb by the arm。


1. i found a very beautiful sweater in a shop this morning, and i’m going to buy __this afternoon. would you like to go with me?

a. itb. thisc. oned. any

答案a. it用于指代名称相同的同一事物,one用于指代名称相同的另一事物。


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