
发布 2020-11-28 16:47:28 阅读 7884

unit 2 my f**ourite seasons

period 3教案。


specific vocabulary: leaf- le**es, halloween, thanksgiving

specific target sentences: -which season do you like best?

---i like winter best.

summer is good, but fall is my f**ourite season.

specific functional exponents: 在实际情景中正确运用所学的对话。

can…? yes, i can. no, i can’t.

source of material: 多**课件,录音机,录音带,教学vcd

assumptions and anticipated problems: 通过前两个课时的学习学生已经掌握了关于季节的单词,并且能说会用句型“which season do you like best? i like summerr best.

来讨论自己喜爱的季节。学生在理解read and write 的基础上,综合运用句型“ which season do you like best? i like … best.

”teaching steps:

.warm- up

1.学生齐唱歌曲“what’s your f**ourite season?”


2. free talk

what’s your f**ourite season?

which season do you like best?

what’s the weather like in …?



比如:which season do you like best,do you like best?

i like fall,fall best.

i can go hiking in fall!


1. read the dialogue and tell the students′f**ourite seasons.

1) which season does zhang peng like best?

2) which season does mike like best?

3) how about amy?

2. show the sentences and tell why they like the seasons.

mike: summer is good, but fall is my f**ourite season.( the sky is very blue.

the le**es are colourful.)

zhang peng: i like winter best. (we go up north. we play with the snow.)

amy: i like summer best.( i like to swim in the sea.)

设计意图:真实呈现让学生在发现中学习,学习的热情高涨。活动类型: r) the dialogue again and try to read it.

4. watch the video and try to understand it.


1. 用ppt课件出示填空练习,根据对话内容完成。

2. 用英语口头介绍自己喜爱的季节,完成同步相关的练习。


1. part c task time




.blackboard design:

1. spring (warm and sunnysummer (hot and rainy)

fly kitesswim

fall (cool and windywinter (cold and snowy)

go hikingplay in the snow

2.(1)zhang peng likes



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