
发布 2020-11-24 05:44:28 阅读 5723

三年级英语课堂《letrs play lhide-n-seekr》





教学目标】通过本节课学习,学生能够听、说、读、(写)、使用重点单词及短语:in, on, under, behind等。能够掌握并运用重点句型where ish?



1.师生共同演唱歌曲《if you are happy》,互致问候。

t: if your re happy and you know it, clap your handshif yourre happy and you know it, say hello!

ss: hello, lisa!

t: hello, boys and girls!


t: howrs the weather today?

s1: itrs hot.

s2: itrs sunny.

t: itrs so hot today, and i want to go swimming. whatr your hobby?

s3: i like skating.

t: oh, you can go skating in winter.

s4: i like singing.

t: can you sing?

s4: a, b, ch


t: would you like to chant with me?

ss: yes.

t: walk, walk, walk.

ss: ok, letrs walk.

t: sing, sing, sing.

ss: ok, letrs sing.

t: dance, dance, dance.

ss: ok, letrs dance.

t: play, play, play.

ss: ok, letrs play.

t: today, letrs play lhide-n-seekr.(运用tpr教学法分别讲解hide和seek的含义,之后过渡到短语和整句的操练。)



t: first, you please hide, and irll seek, ok? now, letrs count from 1 to 5.

ss: 1, 2h5.

t: where are you? oh, itrs a girl.

shers under the desk. haha, itrs a boy. hers under the desk, too.

come out. irm the winner, and most of you were under the desk, yes?

ss: yes.

t: follow me, under.


t: look, under the desk.

ss: under the desk.

t: under the chair.

ss: under the chair.

t: can you give me some other examples?

s5: my pen is under the desk.

s6: my book is under the desk.

s7: my pen is under the book.

s8: my pen is under the desk.

ss: my book is under the pencil-box.


t: now, letrs go on the game lhide-n-seekr. but this time, you please seek, and irll hide, ok?

now, letrs count from 1 to 5.

ss: 1, 2h5.

t: where am i? irm in the box. follow me, in. lisa says, in the box.

ss: in the box.

t: lisa says, in the bottle.

ss: in the bottle.

t: lisa says, in the bag.

ss: in the bag.

t: lisa says, in the chair.

ss: no, no, no.

t: yes! usually, we do not say, in the chair.


t: do you want to go on the game? but wait a minute! whors that?

ss: wangwang.

t: our friend wangwang also likes the game, and he wants to join us. please say hello to him.

ss: hello, wangwang.

t: oh, where is wangwang? letrs write together.(运用tpr教学法讲解操练此重点句型,板书后请同学们一边表演一边说一说。)

s9: where is wangwang?

s10: where is wangwang?

t: oh, hers on the chair. follow me, on. where is wangwang?

ss: hers on the chair.(师生间,生生间,在chant问答中操练句型。)


t: is wangwang on the chair? oh, hers missing. where is wangwang?

s11: hers in the hat.

s12: hers under the bed.

s13: hers under the chair.

t: whors right? letrs check.

hers behind the hat. follow me, behind. behind the box.

ss: behind the box.

t: behind the blackboard.

ss: behind the blackboard.


t: where am i?

ss: behind the box.

t: where am i?

ss: behind the desk.

t: where are you? who can tell me?

s14: irm behind peter.

s15: irm behind lucy.

s16: irm behind lisa.

t: whatrs your name?

s17: lisa.

t: haha, we h**e the same name! now, where is she?

(教师将一位同学藏在自己身后,开始"小汽车开起来"的游戏,让同学们登上小汽车并说出irm behindh)

t: now, stop! please come here and stand in line.

listen and touch. others, you please look and say!(前面的几位同学要根据下面同学抢答出的方位介词,在板书中迅速指出相应单词,每次速度最快者可获得离开小汽车回到座位的机会。


t: if your re happy and you know it, step your feethif yourre happy and you know it, letrs read!


t: 越来越多的好朋友加入到我们的游戏中来了! who are they?

ss: pangpang and mike.

t: where are they? listen to the tape and answer the two questions.

ht: open your books and turn to page 88. listen and repeat.





t: whatrs wrong with wangwang? 汪汪好像碰到困难了,让我们帮助他,小组合作用手中的单词卡片拼成正确的句子,来描述所看到的**。

s18: the ball is under the chair.

s19: the dog is behind the door.

s20: the shirt is on the bed.

s21: the robot is in the box.



t: wangwang为了感谢同学们的帮助想要邀请大家到他的房间去做客!what can you see in the room?

s22: i can see a desk.

s23: i can see a bed.

s24: i can see a bag.

s25: i can see a shirt.

ht: where are they? please keep them in your mind!


s26: the shirt is on the bed.

s27: the ball is under the chair.

s28: the bag is on the chair.

s29: the dog is behind the chair.

s30: the apple is on the desk.


t: 汪汪的房间这么温馨漂亮,同学们的房间应该是怎样的呢?让我们一起动手,小组合作将自己的房间变得整洁而美观!



t: irm sorry. itrs time to say goodbye now.

you did a good job. lisa希望同学们真的能够养成这样的好习惯,让我们的房间保持整洁和美观,课后将自己房间的摆设情况介绍给身边的好朋友!ok?

are you happy today? if your re happy and you know it,say okhif yourre happy and you know it, say goodbye! goodbye, boys and girls!

ss: goodbye!





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