
发布 2020-11-23 14:21:28 阅读 8628




t___h___j___e___g___l___q___m___i___r___b___d___o__ k___n___p___s___c___f___a___二、按要求分类。(20分)


三、把下列不同类的单词的序号填写在提前括号内。(10)()1 .a apple b banana c pear d milk() blue b grapec brown d green

) seven b nine c seed eight() pencil b peach c ruler d eraser() bike b bird c panda d tiger

四、选择恰当的单词填空,把序号填在提前括号内。(10)()1、draw __apple,please.a.ab.an()2、__youlikethisqueen?a.

canb. do()3、listen __me .a.

toob. to()4、h**esome___a. moreb.

many()5、clap___me .a. withb.

and()6、let me __with you .a. h**eb.

share()7、i’m___tob. from()8、how many___a. applesb.

apple()9、pour the __a. orangeb. orange juice()10、he can __a drawb.



a、what is my taxi?b、where is my car?c、isthismyjeep?()3、certainly !

)2、当别人问你:do you like pears?时。

应答:a、yes. ,i do .

c、no. i do.()3、当看到别人要摔跤时,应说:

a、watch tv .b、watch outc、come in .(4、当你把物品给别人。

应说:a、it’s here .b、here you are .c、here it is .

六、选择正确的答语。将序号填在括号里。(10分)()1、can i h**e a pear , please?

a. no, i don’t.()2、do you like grapes?

b. eleven()3、h**e some watermelon, mike ?c.

certainly!()4、how many bananas can you see ?d.

good idea!()5、let’s thankyou .

七、把下列句子按正确的语序排列,把序号填写在题前括号内。()1、thank you .miss white .(2、do you like pears, john ?

6分)()5、h**e some fruits , john .

)6、no, i don’t. can i h**e an apple , please?八、把下列单词连成一个通顺的句子。(8分)

areyoufromwhere3. youdopearslike4. pensdoh**emanyhowyou九、翻译。(22分)

your eye2. show me nine3. pour the tea4.

say from a to t5. doggy bag6. waitand that’sright

10. thepencilisunderyourbook11. hereyouare



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