
发布 2020-11-18 16:00:28 阅读 3324


听力部分。一、听录音,把听到的信息用前面表示的字母填在括号内,每个句子听两遍(5)()1、a、peachb、pear c、orange d、apple()2、a、pinkb、green c、red d、yellow()3、a、peaches b、graps c、pears d、bananas

)4、a、strawberry b、watermelon c、ice-cream d、cake()5、a、ant b、apple c、at d、cat

二、听录音,把你听到的字母圈出来。(5)1、bp2、o q3、k j4、t d5、l s


)1、a、i like pears . b、i like grapes.()2、a、no, thanks. b、yes, please!

)3、a、certainly !b、sure. here you are.

)4、a、chen jie likes bananas. b、chen jie doesn’t like bananas.()5、a、ok!b、thank you.

四、根据录音读的顺序,把下列句子按读音顺序排列。(5)()1、a、i h**e some fruits.

)2、b、do you like oranges? yes, i do.()3、c、i don’t like bananas.

)4、d、let’s h**e some peaches and pears.()5、e、can i h**e an apple ,please? certainly!

五、听录音,将所听到的问句的答句填写在提前括号内(5)()1、a、yes, i do.

)2、b、yes, here you are.()3、c、no, he doesn’t

)4、d、she’s my friend, amy.()5、e、i’mfrom america.笔试部分。



b___d___o___k___n___p___s___c___f___a___二、把**的序号,填在相应单词前的括号内。(5)a bcde

) sixteen ( strawberry ( grapes ( taxi ( bike

三、把下列不同类的单词的序号填写在提前括号内。(10)()a apple b banana c pear d milk

)a blue b grapec brown d green()a seven b nine c seed eight()a pencil b peach c ruler d eraser()a bike b bird c panda d tiger

四、选择恰当的单词填空,把序号填在提前括号内。(20)()1、draw __apple,please.a.

)2、__you like this queen?a. canb. do

)3、listen __me .a.

)4、h**e some___a. more


)6、let me __with you .a. h**eb. share

)7、i’m___tob. from

)8、how many___a. applesb. apple

)9、pour the __a. orangeb. orange juice

)10、he can __a drawb. picture

六、根据问句,选择合适的答语并将其序号填在题前括号内。(10)()can i h**e a pear , please?a.

no, i don’t .(do you like grapes?b.


)h**e some watermelon,mike ?c. certainly!

()how many bananas can you see ?d. good idea!

()let’s thank you .

七、把下列句子按正常的语序排列,把序号填写在题前括号内。(10)()1、thank you .miss white .

(2、do you like pears,john ?(3、certainly !

)4、h**e some fruits , john .

)5、no, i don’t. can i h**e an apple , please?


hello! i am wang hong . i like peaches very much . i don’t like grapes . my father likes

watermelons . he doesn’t like strawberries . my mother likes bananas .

she doesn’t like pears .(1. wang hong likes apple .

)2. wang hong doesn’t like grapes .(3. her father likes watermelons .

)4. her mother likes bananas .

)5. her mother doesn’t like oranges .

听力材料no. 1

you like orange ? yes ,i do . a peach . colour it pink . don’t like bananas .

share this watermelon . like apple very much .no. 2

letter p .2. big letter q . letter j .4. small letter t . letter s .no. 3

you like pears ,mike ? no,i like grapes . some orang juice, amy ? no, thanks .

i h**e an apple ,please ? sure . here you are .

you like bananas, chen jie ? sorry. i don’t .

et’s h**e some fruits . ok .no.

4don’t like bananas . h**e some peaches and pears .3.

i h**e some fruits . i h**e an apple , please ? certainly!

5. do you like oranges ? yes, i do .

no. 5

i h**e some pear , please ? john like pear ? you like milk ?

are you from ? that girl ?


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