
发布 2020-11-04 15:36:28 阅读 4298

时间: 2013-4-6 星期六晚上 6:30—8:00 地点: 安国校区


i teaching content

part b: let’s learn. let’a talk. read and write. pronunciation(sp,sk)

ii teaching aims

1. 能听、说、读、写四会单词及词组swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees.

2. 能听、说、认读句子i can make a snowman.

3. 能听、说、认读句子what’s your f**ourite season?并能在实际情景中运用。

4. 能用why do you like …?because i can ….来询问、回答喜欢某一季节的理由。

5. 能听、说、读、写句子why do you like summer? because i can swim in the lake.

why do you like winter? because i can sleep a long time.

6. 能够了解字母组合 sp,sk的发音规则,并能朗读pronunciation部分的例词。

iii key points & difficult points

1. 重点:掌握关于活动的五个单词及词组swim, fly kites, skate, make a snowman, plant trees.

句型why do you like …?because i can ….的掌握和运用。


2. 难点:四会单词和词组的拼写。why do you like …?because i can ….的运用。

iv teaching procedure

step i greetings

1. when do you h**e english class?

2. it’s time to h**e english class.

stand up, please.

good evening, boys and girls.

welcome to my class.

nice to see you.

sit down, please.

3. warm-up: sing a song

step ii new words

1. t: (show the pictures) which season?

n1s: spring/summer/~.

t: make gestures or show the pictures

n1s: it’s rainy/sunny/~.

2. 1) t: what can you do in summer?

2) swim

read after t

3) let’s chant: swim, swim, swim, i can swim.

follow t

t: swim, swim, swim. groups: i can swim.

非常6+13. 1) t: which season is it? (winter) can you swim in winter?

i can’t either. but in winter, we can skate and make a snowman.

2) skate

word and spelling magic stick

3) t: in winter, we can skate. and we can make a snowman.

4) make a snowman

t: now, let’s make a snowman. (group-group)

t: do you like it?

ss: snowman, snowman, i love you.

4. 1) t: in winter, we can make a snowman. what can you do in spring? (fly kites)

2) fly & kites trick game fast reaction

t: fly ss: kites fly kites: stop game

3) sing a song: fly kites! fly kites!

ok! ok! ok!

fly kites! fly kites! ok!

ok! ok!

5. 1) t: in spring, we can fly kites.

do you know what’s the festival? yes, it’s tree planting day. we can plant trees.

2) tree—trees ant—plant

4) plant trees: choose the tree and you can get some point. (group-group)

5) chant: plant, plant, plant trees. i can plant trees.

6. all words:

1) chinese and english 2) which word is jumping?

3) 分类: what can you do in summer/spring/~?

step iii dialogue

1. 1) t: i like spring. because i can fly kites.

2) meaning--i like spring. because i can fly kites.

3) because: fingers game

i like spring

4) fast reaction:

t: i like spring/summer/fall/winter

ss: because ~.

2. 1) i like spring. because i can fly kites.

what’s your f**orite season? why do you like ~?

3. what’s your f**orite season?

1) meaning

2) f**orite: magic bag (get the card from the bag)

3) point and read try to read the sentence

4) what’s your f**orite season?=which season do you like best?

3. –why do you like ~?because ~.

1) meaning

2) pairs work

--what’s your f**orite season?

--why do you like ~.

4. i can talk

1) listen to the tape and answer the questions

what is chen jie’s f**orite season? why?

what is sarah’s f**orite season? why?

2) read the dialogue after the tape.

3) try to read the whole dialogue.

step iv i can read

step v pronunciation

1. 1) 由单词skate引出字母组合sk的发音。

2) 由**分别引出相关单词的发音。

3) ski单独讲解。

4) read after t trick game fast reaction

2. 1) 由sk的发音引出sp的发音。

2) 老师由已学单词引至新单词的读音。

3) fingers game

4) trick game fast reaction

5) dragon (group-group)

3. summary

step vi summary


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