
发布 2020-11-04 14:41:28 阅读 9487


一、判断下列划线部分读音是否相同,用( )或( )表示。(10分)

1、how now( )2、house mouth( )3、cry crow( )

4、clock close( )5、town brown( )6、cream clean( )

7、bread break( )8、tea peach9、our town( )

10、blow library( )





7、看电视8、play computer games

9、moral education10、social studies

11、do housework12、tomorrow


)1.__is it today?

a . what date day

)2. we often do our __

a .homework c. homeworking

)3. what do you h**e___mondays?

a. at

) 8:00. it’s time___get up.

) is___

) english on mondays.

)7.__do you do on sundays? i often do my homework.

c. how

)8. what about __aunt cathy?

) 9. -who’s that young ladyis our principal.

a. he b. she c. she

) often do my homework___weekends.

a. in b. on c. of



a. what do you do on mondays?

b. what day is it today?

c. when is your birthday?

2. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什麽课?”应该说:(

a. monday is my f**orite.

b. we h**e english, math, and

c. what do you h**e on monday?


a.what do you do on saturdays?

b. like sundays. i watch tv on sundays.

c. i like saturdays.

4.别人问你:“what do you do on saturdays?” 你应该回答:(

a. i like saturdays.

play computer games and read books on saturdays.

c. it’s saturday today.

5.“你呢?”除了说“what about you?”外,还可以说:(

a. oops! b. oh, really? c. and you?


ab1. what do you h**e on mondays? that’s right!

2. what day is it todaygreat! i can play with you.

3. what do you do on sundays? i h**e english and art on mondays.

4. i often play footballit’s monday.

5. i do my homework on saturdays. i do my homework at home on sundays.


1. it’s monday.(划线提问)

2. i often play ping-pong on sundays.(划线提问)

h**e english,science and math on wednesdays.(划线提问), i , my , do ,homework (.连词成句)

5、i like science.(改为否定句)



we go to school from towe are busy(忙碌的)every day. onwe h**e english, math, chinese and computer. onwe h**e math ,english and two history(历史) classes .

onwe h**e art, music and we watch science moviesis my f**orite .on ,we h**e english ,art , music and on___we h**e two chinese classes and two social study. english is my f**orite subject(课程)and i study hard .

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