
发布 2020-11-04 14:42:28 阅读 6339

unit 2 my week

一. 单词。

1. 星期:

monday 星期一tuesday 星期二wednesday 星期三thursday星期四friday 星期五saturday 星期六sunday 星期天 week 一周 weekend 周末 weekday 工作日 day 天。

2. 科目:

语文chinese 数学maths 英语english 品德与社会moral education 科学science

**music 美术art 计算机课computer class 足球课football class 体育课 pe

篮球课basketballclass 烹饪课 cooking class

3. schedule [edju:l]时刻表 classs chedule 课程表。

4. 短语:

do homework 做作业 watch tv 看电视 read books 读书 wash my clothes 洗我的衣服 play football 踢足球 play ping-pong 打乒乓球 play basketball 打篮球 play sports 做运动 play the pipa 弹琵琶 draw pictures 画画 clean the room 打扫房间 do housework 做家务 listen to music 听**。

二.句型 1. what day is it today ? 今天星期几? it’s (tuesday).星期二。

2. what do you h**e on (thursdays) ?星期四你们上什么课? (内可填周一至周五任意一词。

we h**e maths ,englih and music. 我们上数学,英语和**。

3. what do you often do on saturdays /sundays/the weekend?


i often do homework and watch tv. 我常常看电视,做作业。 上可用其他活动短语替换。

4. do you often play football on the weekend ? 周末你常常做运动吗?

肯定回答:yes,i do . 否定回答:no, i don’t .

三.ee 和ea字母组合发音[i:]

feet beet meet see feed tea read eat repeat


is tuesday.对划线部分提问:what day is it today ?

2. we h**e maths ,englih and music on thursdays.对划线部分提问:what do you h**e on thursdays ?

3. i often play football on the weekend .

对划线部分提问:what do you often do on the weekend ?

变为疑问句:do you often play football on the weekend ?


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