
发布 2020-11-03 10:47:28 阅读 1289






a. what do you do on thursdays?

b. what day is it today?

c. what do you h**e on thursdays?

2. 如果你想问“你们星期一上什么课?”应该说:(

a. monday is my f**orite.

b. we h**e english, math, and

c. what do you h**e on mondays?


a.what do you do on saturdays?

b. i like sundays. i watch tv on sundays.

c. i like saturdays.

4.别人问你:“what do you h**e on saturdays?” 你应该回答:(

a. i like saturdays.

play computer games and read books on saturdays.

c. i h**e english, maths and music.


a. oops! b. oh, really? c. what about you?


h**e english___mondays and wednesdays.

a. in b. of c. on

( )often __books on saturdays.

a. see b. read c. reads

( )3.-who’s that young manis our pe teacher .

a. he b. she c. she

( )often do my homework___weekends.

a. in b. on c. of

( )5.-i often play ping-pong.-great! i can play __you.

a. at b. with c. and

( )6. we h**e two english classes this afternoon.

really? we h**e english

a. two b. tooc. to

) your mother kind

a. yes, she is. b. yes, he is. c. no, he isn’t.

) often read someand watch tv.

a. book b. booksc. notebook

a. like b. onc. likes


ab ) do you h**e on mondays? a. that’s right

) day is it todayb. great! i can play with you.

) you h**e pe on sundays? h**e english and art on mondays.

) often play footballd. it’s tuesday.

) do my homework on saturdays. e. no, we don’t.


do you do on saturdays? (翻译句子)

like saturdays.(改为否定句。

day is tomorrow? (根据实际情况回答。


do housework on sundays

play computer games on monday

9:00. it’s time to read books





we go to school fromtowe are busy(忙碌的)every day. onwe h**e english, math, chinese and computer. onwe h**e math ,english and two history(历史) classes .

onwe h**e art, music and we watch science movies. on ,we h**e english ,art , music and onwe h**e two chinese classes and two social study. english is my f**ourite subject(课程)and i study hard .


amy: what day is today?

grandma: saturday. what do you do today?

amy: i do homework and play ping-pong.

grandma: what do you do on sundays?

amy: i read books and watch tv. what about you?

grandma: i do some housework and watch tv, too.

amy: let me help you. i do housework, too!

grandma: good girl, thank you!

now you’re amy. answer the questions:

1. what do you do on sunday?

2. what do you do on saturday?

3. do you play ping-pong on sunday?

4. do you do homework on sunday?


what day is it today? 今天是星期几?

today 今天 tomorrow 明天。

what do you h**e on mondays?你星期一有什么课?

分析:h**e 表示“上……课”

what do you do on mondays?你星期一做什么?



be动词(am,is are)、情态动词(can)提到句首,其他单词位置不变,句号变问号。


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