
发布 2020-12-28 07:45:28 阅读 5586




一、听录音,选择所听到的内容,并把字母编号写在括号里。(10分)()1、a、ball b、board c、fall()2、a、winter b、swim c、windy( )3、a、play b、skate c、make( )4、a、summer b、sunny c、up( )5、a、playwithsnow b、makeasnowman c、sleepalongtime( )6、a、fly kitesb、plant trees c、play sports( )7、a、go to beijing b、go to qingdao c、go to harbin( )8、a、what’syourf**ouriteseason? b、what’syourf**ourite

fruitc、what’s your f**ourite food?

) 9、a、i can skate b、she can skate c、he can skate( )10、a、whydoyoulikewinter? b、whydoeszhangpenglike

winter? c、why does she like winter?


26) theyclimb mountains in fall7) i wear my t-shirt in winter8) it’s windy and cool in winter9) there are twelve seasons in a year.

10) in beijing , it’s spring from january to march .


)1、a、whenisthebesttimetogotobeijing? b、what’sthe

weatherlikeinbeijing? c、whatwouldyouliketodo?

) 2、a、why does amy like winter? b、why does mike winter?c、why do you like winter?

) 3、a、can you plant trees? b、do you plant trees?c、are you planting trees?

)4、a、doesitoftenraininfall? b、isitcoldinfall?

c、is it cool in fall?

)5、a、whichseasondoyoulikebest? b、whatseasondoyou

like? c、how many seasons are there in a year?

四、听录音,在空格中填上单词,将句子补充完整。(每空一词)(10分) would you like to do? i’d like le**es are green inthey are yellow in3.

__is good, but __is my f**ourite season.

do you like winteri can make a

5season does amy like best? shewinter best.

五、听读一段对话,判断句子的对错,对的打“√”错的打1、jone likes winter best.

)2、mike can swim in the sea in fall.( 3、.chen jie likes spring best.

)4、wu yifan doesn’t like it’s windy.( 5、wu yifan likes his red shirt.


chensarah?sarah: it’s windy and warm.

chensarah: spring.

chensarah: becauseicanplanttreeschen: i like winter best.

sarahchen: because i can skate.

do you like sping?

do you like winter?

do you do?

the weather like today? do you do in winter?

your f**ourite season? season do you like best?


hainan is my hometown(家乡). it’s a very beautiful

buildingsaretall,thetreesaretall, drink in hainan is coconut(椰子) fresh 似乎) not very cold.

)1is the f**ourite season for many people in hainan.

a、springb、summer c、fall

)2、it’sin summer.

a、hot and sunny b、windy and cool c、warm and cool( )3、the boys and girs can __in the sea.

a、playb、skatec、swim( )4、spring is very___in hainan

a、coolb、warmc、cold( )5、it’sin winter in hainan.

a、coldb、warm and cool c、warm and hot

八、短文选词填空。(选择最恰当的词填在横线上,每空一词。)(10分)(kites trees chinese don’t cold in at swim spring bestplant snows)

windy. we can flyit’s the best time to___从来不)__in our city. so it’s not very___


1 ab: i like winter best.

2 ab: because i can plant trees in spring.3 ab: it’s sunny and hot.

4 ab: no,i can’t swim in the sea.

5 ab: there are four seasons in a year.

十、用英语写一篇作文。题目:my f**ourite season.可以从天气、衣服、主要活动、饮食等方面说说你最喜欢的季节的特点。(不少于5句,10分。


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班级姓名学号 一 填空 1 用正负数表示下列温度。零上15 零上22 零下18零 2 用正负数表示下面的数量。收入3000元记作支出1500元记作。电梯上升20米记作升降机下降10米记作。3 小王的数学成绩比小丁高 8分,表示 比 高8分。4 从银行取出 580元,表示 银行580元。5 一棵大树的...


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