
发布 2020-11-04 05:11:28 阅读 7626

unit 2--my week






sunday (sun.) 周日。

monday (mon.) 周一。

tuesday (tue./tues.) 周二。

wednesday (wed./weds.) 周三。

thursday (thur./thurs.) 周四。

friday (fri.) 周五。

saturday (sat.) 周六。

weekend 周末(周。

六、日)wash my clothes 洗衣服。

watch tv 看电视。

do homework 做作业。

read books 看书。

play football 踢足球。

on the weekend 在周末。

play sports/do sports 做体育运动。

listen to music 听**。

play ping-pong 打乒乓球。

1. —what do you on thursday?星期四你们上什么课?

—i h**e math, english and music. 我们上数学、英语和**课。

2. —what do you on thursdays, grandpa? 爷爷,星期四你要做什么?

—i h**e a cooking class with your grandma. 我和你奶奶去上烹饪课。

3. —do you often read books in this park? 你经常在这个公园看书吗?

—yes, i do. 是的 —no, i don’t. 不是。

4. look at my picture. 看我的**。

5. you look tired. 你看起来很累。

6. you should play sports every day. 你应该每天做运动。,

字母组合ee, ea在单词中的的发音:[ i: ]

例:feet beef meet see feed tea read eat repeat


注:1、ee组合绝大部分发长音[ i: ]只有少部分发短音[ i ],如:coffee 咖啡。

2、ea字母组合除了发[ i: ]还有可能发[ e ]等发音,如:bread 面包,或者发[ ei ],如:great 好极了。

1、 询问做什么事/活动:—what do you do …?i often play ping-pong…

询问星期几上什么课:—what do you h**e on…? we h**e english class…

2、一般疑问句的问与答:—do you often read books? —yes, i do. —no, i don’t.

3、 [具体某一天(年月日,星期),如:on monday/tuesday…

课外 具体时刻(…点钟),如:at 12 o’clock 在十二点整。

补充: [大致时间(年月,早中晚),如:in 2014 在2023年 in the morning/afternoon/evening

4、play + 球类、棋类、娱乐活动,如:play football/ping-pong

补充:play + the + 乐器(第四单元知识),如:play the pipa/piano/violin…

1、描写一周的生活,如:my week

思路导引。1)开头:简单的自我介绍:my name’s…/ i’m…

2)中间:1) 介绍周一至周五的情况,可以着重介绍自己最喜欢的那一天:

i go to school from monday to friday. i like…because i h**e…


六、日的活动:i often watch tv/…on the weekend.

3)结尾:this is my week. what about yours?

2、范文:my week

my name is li ming. i go to school from monday to friday. i like tuesdays and thursdays, because i h**e music and pe.

i often do my homework and read books on saturdays. i often play ping-pong on sundays.



) 1. th __sday a. or b. ur c. ar

) 2. homew__ k a. or b. ir c. ow

) 3. sat __day a. ur b. er c. ir

) 4. we __esday a. nd b. dn c. mn

) 5. wata. oh b. eh c. ch

) 6. m __day a. no b. om c. on

) 7. t __sday a. eu b. ue c. ua

) 8. f __day a. ri b. ir c. rl

) 9. s __day a. un b. um c. nu

) 10. da. ae b. ay c. ya


) 1. a. sunday b. monday c. english

) 2. a. watch b. read c. today

) 3. a. math b. chinese c. often

) 4. a. on b. what c. who

) 5. a. today b. tomorrow c. homework


) 1do you h**e on mondays ?

-- we h**e and art.

a. how b. who c. what

) 2. john __mondays and fridays.

a. like b. likes c. h**e

) 3. today is wednesday. tomorrow is

a. friday b. tuesday c. thursday

) 4is it today ?

- it’s tuesday.

a. what time b. what’s day c. what day

) 5. what do we h**e __fridays ?

a. on b. at c. in

) 6. we __english, science and on mondays.

a. has b. are c. h**e

) 7. –what do you h**e on

we h**e english, chinese and math.

a. tomorrow b. today c. wednesday

) 8is the first day of the week.

a. monday b. sunday c. tuesday

) 9. i oftenon saturdays.

a. read book b. read books c. watch books

) 10. we h**e tomorrow. i need

a. a pair of sneakers b. a box of crayons c. an apple


1. classes, like, do, what, you (

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