
发布 2020-11-04 20:31:28 阅读 7009

(人教pep)五年级英语上册 unit 2 单元测试。



ow: brown cowboy down

ou: about count blouse



model:linda:what day is it today?

jack:it's monday.

linda:what do you h**e on mondays?

jack:we h**e english,science and art.



does she h**e on

h**eon fridays.

oftenon saturdays.

tv books their homework

often plays


day is it today?

classes do chen jie and amy h**e today?

do chen jie and amy do on saturdays?

about mike?

笔答训练 六、用所给的字母组成单词并写出中文意思。

1. o,d,m,n,a,y

2. s, e, c, i, e, n, c

3. a,w,e,y,n,d,s,e,d

4. u, a, h, y, r, s, d, t

5. d, t, a, o, y


b s2. p f

3. dh


uncle:it's 's to go to school.

sarah:oh, today.

uncle:what you on saturday?

sarah:i often homework in the morning and tv in the afternoon.

uncle:that's good.

sarahyou,uncle li?

uncle:i often computer games and like saturday.

sarah:me too.


day is it today?

do you h**e on wednesdays?

do you do on fridays?

do you do on weekends?


like english and math.

h**e science class on monday afternoon.

do my homework and watch tv on weekends.

is thursday today.

is young and pretty.

s seven o'clock now.


ais it today ?


a:wow,that's great.

bdo yousunday?

a:i often tv, books, shopping and

b:i often football, computer games and h**e a nice sleep.

a: you sunday?

b:yes,i like it very much.

a: too.


(看电视)on sundays.

do you do (在星期六)?

like to (打电脑游戏).

4你呢)?often (做作业)on sunday evening.

6星期几)is it today?

mother and my sister (做家务)at home.

(有)some nice dresses.

(上)english every day.

10什么)do they do on (周末)?


day,do,am,like,often,read,go to school,housework, computer games

is it today? it is don't

i stay at home at the my homework and play .i help my mothertoo。i am weekends.


father:what do you h**e on mondays?

zip:i h**e english and math.


1) zip has english and math on mondays.

2) zip has math and on fridays.

3) zip often plays football on saturdays.

) 4) father often plays football too.


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