
发布 2020-11-03 10:48:28 阅读 1286


姓名 __班级___分数___

listening part 听力部分。

一、听音,将chen jie与amy的周末活动连线。

二.选出你听到的一项 。

1 ( a. saturday b sunday c sunny.

2. (a what b watch c work

3 ( a class b glass c pass

4 ( a chinese b china c chair

5( )a math b music c much

6( )a. tuesday b thursday c friday

7( )a day b today c. tomorrow

8. (a study b student c science

9 ( a cow b how c now

10( )a homework b housework


)1. today is tuesday.

)2. i like wednesdays.

)3. we h**e math, english and science on fridays.

)4. our music teacher is young.

)5. i like mondays, because i like class.


( )do some shopping b. do some reading

2. a. a pair of sneakers b. a pair of shoes

3. a. mother’s day b. father’s day

4. a. it’s time to get up b. it’s time to go to bed

5. a. play ping-pong b. play football


1.what day is itit’s

2. what do youon

we h**e chineseandon

3. what do you do on the

i oftenon

writing part 笔试部分。


1. tall (反义词2. who’s (完全形式。

简写4. she is (简写形式。

5. like(三单。


)1. what __is it today? [a. today b. day ]

)2. today __friday. [a. is b. are ]

)3. we __english, math and [a h**e b has ]

)4.. what do you do __sundays? [a. on b. in ]

)5 sunday is fun __me. [a on b for ]

)6 it’s time __get up [ a. to b for ]

) last(最后) day of a week is __

a sunday b saturday ]

)8. today is the second sunday in may(五月). it’s __

a. father’s day b mother’s day]

八、根据实际情况,判断正误,对的写“t”错的写“ f”

( )1. there are (有)seven days in a week.

2. monday is the first day of the week.

3. we go to school on sundays.

4. today is tuesday .tomorrow is friday.

5. mother's day is the third sunday in may.(五月)


1.h**e what do on you saturday(?)

2.i watch often tv sundays on my (.

3 day what today it is(?)

4 sunday homework often i on my do(.)

十、选出错误的选项,并在后面的横线上改正 。

( )1. today is the monday

a b c

( )2. i can play ping-pong to you

a bc3. i often watching tv on sundays

a bc4. we h**e two art class every week

ab c5. we h**e chinese in mondays

a b c十。


( )1. who’s that boya. she’s tall.

( )2. what’s she likeb. he’s my friend.

( )3. is he strictc. mr. sun.

( )4. who’s your principal? d. no, he’s kind.

( )5. what classes do you like? like art.


my name is amy. i go to school from monday to friday. every

morning i get up at 6:30. i h**e four classes in the morning and

two in the afternoon. we h**e english, math and science on

monday morning. i like fridays very much, because i h**e

class and i can watch tv on that day.

)1. amy gets up at 6:30

)2 amy has five classes every day.

)3. amy likes math very much.

)4. amy likes saturdays.

)5. amy has english, math and science on monday morning


amy: hi, chen jie. what do you do on saturdays?

chen jie: i often do homework, read books and watch tv.

amy: what do you do on sundays?

chen jie: i often play computer games and go swimming. what about you? amy?

amy: i often do homework, play ping-pong and watch tv on saturdasys. i often read books and play the violin on sundays.


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