
发布 2020-10-27 14:53:28 阅读 9837



听力部分。一、 听短文对话,判断所给短句是否正确,正确的在括号中写上“t”,不正确的写上”f”。

1)( ms smart want six apples.

2ms smart want half a kilo of cheese.

3lingling likes cheese.

4lingling likes noodles.

5ms smart want a kilo of noodles.

二、 请选择你所听到的单词,并将其序号填入题前括号内。

)1. a .noodlesb. need c. new

)2. a .cheeseb. chinese c. china

)3. a .kiteb. kilo c. know

)5. a. ballb. bird c. box

三、 请听问句,为问句选择适当答句,并将其序号填入题前括号内。

)1. a. one kilo, please. b. half a kilo, please.

)2. a. yes, i dob. no, i don’t. i like noodles.

)3. a. six, pleaseb. five, please.

)4. a. six boxesb. tow boxes.

( )5. a. five bottles, please. b. five, please.


例: good — food.

1) your2)sea —

(3)foot4)look —

(5) on6) not —


1)( how many bananas do you want?

a. i want ten bananas. b. i want four bananas. c. i want five bananas.

2)( can i help you?

a. i want some bread. b. i want some oranges. c. i want some vegetables.

3)( how many pencils do you want?

a. i want six pencils, pleaseb. i want five pencils, please.

4)( how many oranges do you want?

a. one kilo, pleaseb. three, please.

5)( how much cheese do you want?

a. half a kilo, pleaseb. six, please.


1)( a. juice b. bread c. cake

(2a. banana b. apple c. milk

(3a. read b. write c. bottle

(4a. we b. box c. they


1how many bananas do you wanta. yes, i do. i like noodles.

2can you read the bookb. half a kilo, please.

3do you like noodles, bobc. six, please.

4how much cheese do you wantd. yes, we can.


ms smart: can you 1want, read) the shopping list to me, please?

lingling: the fist thing 2is ,are) bananas. how 3many, much) do you want?

ms smart: 4six. six), please.

amy and sam like bananas. do 5.__your,you) like bananas?

lingling: yes, i 6do, did).


小学英语五年级第二模块测试题。姓名课次检查情况。听力部分。一 听短文对话,判断所给短句是否正确,正确的在括号中写上 t 不正确的写上 f 1 ms smart want six apples.2ms smart want half a kilo of cheese.3lingling likes c...


学习必备欢迎 小学英语五年级下第二模块测试题。姓名 课次 检查情况 听力部分。一 听单词,根据你所听到的句子选择适当的词语并将其序号填入题前括号内。1.there is a tv show abouta.englishb.chinese 2.do you love your a.grandmab.g...


2 read and translate it 边读边翻译 2 合作解疑。小组长把组员不会读的单词 句子或不会翻译的句子教会组员。step 3 合作展示 展示预习结果 1 教师问 where was john?学生回答 he was in the kitchen.教师指标题重复。2 老师指着图,让一...