
发布 2020-10-27 14:50:28 阅读 4892

听力部分。一 、听选单词。听音,从每组中选出所你所听到的单词,短语或其汉语意思,将其标号填入提前括号里。每个句子读两遍。(10分)

)1. a. sushi b. stillc. special

)2. a. drinking b、eating c. h**ing

)3. a. elseb. exhibitionc. excited

) day b. children’s day c. thanksgiving day

)6. a.靠左 b.靠中间 c.靠右

)7. a.第二十三 b. 第十二 c.第二十。

)8. a.做早操 b.去游泳 c.购物。

)9. a.小声讲话 b. 按顺序来 c.安静地学习。

)一月 b.六月 c.七月。


)1. when do you finish your class in the morning?

)2. in august. i will go to the great wall with my parents.

)3. 2. i like summer best because i can fly kites.

)4. is he reading a book? no, he’s playing.

)5. keep your desks clean,children.

三、听选答语,听音, 从ab中选出所听句子的适当答语,将序号填入括号内。(15分)

)1. a. it’s on june 1st. b. i like summer.

)2. a. because i like the pretty flowers . b. because i can play in the snow.

)3. a. yes. of course. b. take turns.

) are mine. b. it’s mine.

) 5. a. it’s sunny and hot. b. it’s cold and snowy.

) 6. a. no. they’re playing. b. i often go for a walk.

)7. a. four. b. twelve.

)8. usually go for a walk. b. she often plays sports.

)9. a. it’s at 7:20 b. it’s on july 1st.

)10. a. no, i don’t. b. they’re h**ing class.


arein the library.

2. i like best. it’s always sunny and cool.

chen jie and amy are

4. in the library. we should

is your birthday? it’s in .


) b、quiet c、talk d、read

) day b、women’s day c、christmas d、singing contest

) what b、whose c、who d、which

) b. h**ing c、sing d、drinking

) b、mine c、hers d、theirs

六. 读一读,圈出划线部分发音不同的单词。(5分)

)1. a. grow b. green c. .brown d. grapes

)2. a. shirt b. skirt c. sheep d. she

)3. a. thin b. there c. this d. that

) b. lunch c. class d. clever

)5. a. young b. ring c. long d. trunk



1. september(缩写形式2、quiet(副词):





3、上舞蹈课 4、堆雪人


6、正在听** 7、each other

8、special days

9、we can h**e a birthday party for both of you.




1. can we birthday for you of both party h**e a (.连词成句)

2. i often go shopping with my mother on saturdays. (对划线部分提问)

3. the children are playing games near the house. (对划线部分提问)

4. i’m playing football on the playground. (对划线部分提问)

5. i like autumn . it’s cool. (改为一句话)


) 1. when do you finish your class __the morning?

a. in b. on c. /

) 2dress is this ? it’s

a. what ; sarah’s b. whose ; sarah c. whose ; sarah’s

) 3. look ! amy is __to us . a. runs b. to run c. running

) 4. _do you like shuanglongwan?

it’s beautiful

a. why, /b. why , because c. /because

) 5.--is dragon boat festival? -it’s in may.

)6. -when is china’s national day

a. it’s on apr. 1st. b. it’s on aug. 1st. c. it’s on october 1st.

)7. -this is __book. -that is __

a. my,your yours yours

)8. _is the little monkey doing? it is playing with its mother.

a. what b. when c. where

)9they are listening to music.

a. what do they do? b. what are you doing? c. what are your grandparents doing?

)10. –are you __in the study ?


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