
发布 2023-04-18 17:03:28 阅读 3585


姓名。一、 选择合适的一项补全单词。

) 1. pl__ e (地方a. ac b. ai c. oe

) 2. h__ 如何,怎样) a. ou b. ow c. aw

) 3. t__ e(搭乘;需要花费) a. ak b. ek c. ik

) 4. r__ v__r(河,江a. ie b. oe c. ir

) 5. m__ n__te(分钟a. ir b. iu c. eu

) 6. pl__ t(植物a. in b. an c. en



完整形式 not(缩写形式。




) sunday,we___photos of the mountains. a took b take c takes

) 2. they arrived there __ten o’clock in the morning. a at b in c for

) took a photo___his fathera at b for c of

) 4.—_did you go to the london eye?

—we went there by busa what b how c where ( 5.—_did you go ?—we went to the great wall.

a what b how c where

) 6did amy visit big ben?

she visited big ben last weekend. a who b when c where

) 7. i __the british museum last week. a visited b visits cvisit

) walked___one hour. a for b in cat

) a postcard last friday. a send b sent c sends

) 10.—what did you see in the zoo?

i __lots of monkeysa look b see c saw

) father and i___to the museum last weekend. c. goes

) wall is very___and very___b. mew,


1.在周末at the weekend 2.许多的lots of 3.

大英博物馆the british museum 4.大本钟big ben 5.伦敦眼the london eye 6.

二十分钟twenty minutes 7.许多lots of 8. 在十点钟at ten o’clock

9. 拍照take a photo/take photos 10. 长城the great wall


1.你去了哪儿? where did you go2.

你们在周末做了什么?what did you do atthe weekend我们参观了许多地方。we visited lots of places3.

你们怎么去的这些地方?how did you go to these places我们乘公共汽车去的。 we went by bus.

附加题】1 模块。


2 本试卷上第。




2 read and translate it 边读边翻译 2 合作解疑。小组长把组员不会读的单词 句子或不会翻译的句子教会组员。step 3 合作展示 展示预习结果 1 教师问 where was john?学生回答 he was in the kitchen.教师指标题重复。2 老师指着图,让一...


学习必备欢迎 小学英语五年级下第二模块测试题。姓名 课次 检查情况 听力部分。一 听单词,根据你所听到的句子选择适当的词语并将其序号填入题前括号内。1.there is a tv show abouta.englishb.chinese 2.do you love your a.grandmab.g...


龙胜镇小学四年级上册英语周卷。一 请在四线格里把短语写出来。18分 在空中跑得快跳得高。包饺子跳得远骑得快。照相画画做面条。二 写出每个单词的中文意思,再找出每组中不同类的单词。16分 6.train 三 写出单词的相应形式。12分 同音词完整形式。同音词反义词 复数形式原形。四 想一想每个单词怎样...