
发布 2023-04-18 17:02:28 阅读 5095


五年级 module 3模块练习。


i. 下面这些单词(词组)你都会吗?





iii. 听读part2,回答以下问题。

1)where are amy and lingling?

2) h**e they got the harry potter ***s ?

3) what h**e they got ?

4) do children in china like harry potter ?

5) how can they borrow the books ?

6) how long can they keep(保存)the books ?

iii 你的班级图书角是否拥有这些书籍,问问你们班的图书管理员吧。有打勾,没有打叉。

a: excuse me. h**e you got…?

b: yes, we h**e. /no, we h**en’t.


模块练习。一. 正确抄写句子。

you got the harry potter ***s

we h**en’t got the ***s

3. you ve got lots of harry potter books here

二. 猜地点。

1. you can borrow books, cds and ***sit’s in the

2. you can’t borrow books. you can buy booksit’s in the

3. you can play football. you can fly kites thereit’s in the

4. you can see many animalsit’s in the

5. you can h**e chinese and english. you can play on the playground. it’s in the

6. you can buy toys, food, clothes and so onit’s in the

7. you can see doctors and nurses everywhereit’s in the

8. you can talk to your classmates after class. but you can’t shout. it’s in the

三. 单项选择。

) can do___things in the library.

a. a lots of b. lots of c. a lot of

)2you got the ma liang?

a. h**e b. has c. are

)3. _he got the ma liang?

a. h**e b. has c. are

)4. _amy got the ma liang?

a. h**e b. has c. are

) you got the snow white? yes, i __

a. has b. had c. h**e

) she got the library card? no, she __

a. hasn’t b. had c. h**en’t

) give the books back __two weeks.

a. on b. in c. under

)8. he can __books. they can’t __football.

a. read , play b. read, played c. reads, play

四. 问答配对。

( )1、 h**e you got the ***sa i can go swimming.

2 、can you borrow the books in the library? b yes, i did.

) 3、 how are youc i am fine, thank you.

4 、did you eat themd yes, we h**e.

5 、what can you do in summere yes, we can.

五.阅读。in english class, you can learn english. you can play games with your friends.

you can help your teacher. you can do english exercises. however, you can’t be late.

you can’t jump on the desk. you can’t eat food. you can’t make a noise(捣乱).

1. this text is aboutrules.

a. library b. class

in the blanks.(将**填写完整。)

六.仿写。1. i h**e got a bag. i h**en’t got a ruler. (pencil, apple)

2. i’ve got lots of books. (computer)

3. excuse me. h**e you got harry potter? yes, we h**e. (snow white)

七.以library rules为题,至少写五句,用you can/ can’t ……句型。

五年级下册同步辅导M3 M

i words.egg 鸡蛋an egg 一个鸡蛋。email 电子邮件 send email 发电子邮件。sandwich 三明治。traditional 传统的traditional culture 传统文化。delicious 美味的,可口的 delicious food 美味的食物。hamb...


m31 单词。代词 hers 她的his 他的。ours 我们的theirs 他们的 她们 它们的 mine 我的 形容词 tidy 整洁的 整齐的bright 明亮的。large 大的hard 难的。better 更好的international 国际的。名词 pupil 学生thousand 千...


五年级上册英语m3学案 no.9 class grade name等级 一 学习目标 1.掌握本模块四会单词和词的各种形式的转换。2.掌握本模块的短语 3.能灵活运用一般过去时态的特殊疑问句和一般疑问句等句型进行对话练习交流。二 基础过关。1 请同学们根据汉意拼写以下单词。轮子令人惊奇的明白,理解。...