凤翔中心小学五年级英语第五单元测试卷 2

发布 2020-10-18 13:40:28 阅读 2061










1. look! the pandas aretrees.

2. are the rabbitswith each other?

3 those neware

baby is


1. bob is at john’s home.

) 2. john has a dog. she’s cute.

) 3. bob has a white rabbit.

4. john can play with his dog.

) 5. bob likes the dog and the rabbit, too.


1a. mathsb. fatherc. then

2a. thirtyb. seventhc. they

3a. whereb. whoc. what

4a. excitedb. sisterc. like

5a. thinb. singc. thing


1. i canjump). look! i’mjump)now.

2. the students alwaysrun) after school.

3. a: where is my bag ? i can’t find it. b: is that white bag

a: yes, it’s my bag. it’s

4. the bis sin the bedroom .

5. are these ono, they are t


1、( whoseare thoseyours.

a. dogs , it’sb. dog , it’s c. dogs , they’re

2、( this is a beautiful picturemy room.

a. with b. of c. on

3、( december is the __month of a year.

a. twelveb. twelfthc. twelveth

4、( now it is __o’clock.

a. ninthb. ninethc. nine

5can you take to the zoo?

a. they b. them c. we

6、( i like .

a. cook

7、( i don’t wantbe a tiger.

a. onb. toc. at

8、( i am walkingan elephant.

a. likeb. up c. between

9. (imy homework now.

a. doing b. do c. am doing


1. are whose storybooks these (

2、you can take him the to park (

3. picture of that beijing beautiful is

4. are with other playing they each (


1. 那些都是我们的吗?是的。

ours? yes.

2. 那幅黄色的画是我的。

theis3. 这是他们的狗。狗是他们的。

this isdog. the dog is

4. 它是谁的?是萨拉的。

issarah’s .


today is children’s day. jack ,his sister rose and his parents are in the garden now. they are h**ing a picnic .

now his mother is ****** the food for everyone, and his father is reading on the about rose and jack? rose is singing and dancing. where’s jack now?

is he reading a storybook? no, he isn’t. is he swimming?

oh,no. he’s not swimming. he is running on the grass.

they are h**ing great fun.


there are four people in rose’s family.

jack’s parents are cooking dinner.

rose is reading a storybook now.

rose’s mother is singing and dancing.

jack is running on the grass.



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亲爱的同学们 盼望已久的暑假终于来到了,希望你们利用这个假期好好休息,调整一学期紧张的心情。同时也别忘了复习并完成以下英语作业呀!1 每人准备一个英语本。给家长背诵每单元的英语单词,并把单词默写在英语本上。完成后家长签上姓名和日期 可分六次完成 第一单元日期家长签名。第二单元日期家长签名。第三单元日...

中心小学三年级语文下册单元计划 第五单元

中心小学三年级语文下册单元计划 第五单元提要 能联系上下文,理解词句的意思,体会课文中关键词句在表达情意方面的作用。能借助字典 词典和生活积累,理解生词的意义。中心小学三年级语文下册单元计划 第五单元。第五单元教学计划。一 教材简析 本单元围绕 可贵的亲情 友情 组织专题,有真实的故事,也有童话故事...